Workflow Referral Management System

Docman RMS is a workflow management system that helps NHS Trusts and other healthcare service providers to manage referrals regardless of how they are received. Accessed entirely through a web browser, it provides secure access to clinical documents making it easy for a clinician to manage referrals at any time. Our solution has been integrated with NHS eRS, allowing the entire patient referral process to be digitised. This is delivering time and cost efficiencies to NHS Trusts.

"Image related to Workflow Referral Management System"

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Understanding key issues


Outdated methods

Many NHS Trusts still use Excel spreadsheets to track incoming referrals. This does not provide effective audit trails.

Inefficient processes

Paper-based tasks and processes require a significant level of repetitive, manual work, which is inefficient and can lack accuracy.

Reliance on local hardware

There is a significant cost to Trusts for storing and maintaining local hardware.

Risks of using post and fax

Trusts still receive many documents by post and fax. This is a costly and arguably unnecessary process, which also carries the risk of referral being lost, unread or sent to the wrong person.

How Docman RMS can help you


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Docman RMS?

    Docman RMS is a workflow management system that helps NHS Trusts and other healthcare service providers to manage referrals, regardless of how they are received.

  • Why is referral software important for a Trust?

    Many organisations handle referrals using outdated methods and paper-based tasks and processes requiring a significant level of repetitive, manual work, which is inefficient and can lack accuracy. Trusts still receive many documents by post and fax. This is a costly and arguably unnecessary process, which also carries the risk of referrals being lost, unread or sent to the wrong person.

  • What are the benefits of referral management software?

    Accessed entirely through a web browser, it provides secure access to clinical documents making it easy for a clinician to manage referrals at any time. Our solution has been integrated with NHS eRS, allowing the entire patient referral process to be digitised. This is delivering time and cost efficiencies to NHS Trusts.

  • Will Docman RMS improve productivity for staff?

    Docman RMS system makes the referral process quick and easy, freeing up staff time and allowing them to focus on other tasks.

  • What improvements can I expect for an NHS Trust from using Docman RMS?

    Docman RMS system makes the referral process quick and easy, freeing up staff time and allowing them to focus on other tasks. Docman RMS provide full auditability, tracking the entire patient referral process. Docman RMS also ensures all referrals are recorded centrally making it easy to manage referrals and eradicating misplaced documents.


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97% Project Delivery Score

Additional insights to help you transform


  • Docman RMS

    Staff at Swindon CCG have found the referral process to be quicker and easier, with correspondence seamlessly work flowed across the CCG.

    Read factsheet
    an image associated withDocman RMS Factsheet
  • Docman becomes first to integrate with NHS eRS

    The direct integration of our solution with NHS eRS delivers full end-to-end triage.

    Read blog
    an image associated withDocman becomes first to integrate with NHS eRS Blog
  • The Path to 21st Century Healthcare

    Read our whitepaper on how technology is shaping the NHS, from the Five Year Forward View to the Long Term Plan.

    Read whitepaper
    an image associated withThe Path to 21st Century Healthcare Whitepaper

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