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What are Feedback Circles? How to revolutionise giving and receiving feedback?

18/10/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Feedback is a vital component of personal and professional growth, yet traditional feedback methods often fall short in providing valuable, actionable insights. Enter feedback circles, a revolutionary approach to giving and receiving feedback that aims to transform the feedback process.

What are Feedback Circles?

Feedback circles are a collaborative approach to providing feedback and fostering continuous improvement within an organisation. Unlike traditional feedback systems, which often involve a one-way flow of feedback from managers to employees, feedback circles encourage a multi-directional exchange of feedback among team members.

How are Feedback Circles different from the traditional feedback systems?

In a feedback circle, the emphasis is on creating a safe and supportive environment where everyone actively participates and contributes. Unlike traditional feedback systems that rely heavily on top-down evaluation, feedback circles promote peer-to-peer feedback. This means that feedback is not limited to just managers or supervisors but includes input from colleagues at all levels within the organisation. The diverse perspectives gathered in feedback circles provide a more comprehensive understanding of strengths, areas for improvement, and potential blind spots. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement and shared responsibility for personal and professional development.

The benefits of using Feedback Circles

1.     Promoting continuous improvement:

By empowering employees to initiate their own feedback rounds, they can proactively seek feedback on an ongoing basis. This allows for regular check-ins and opportunities to address areas for development in a timely manner. The focus on continuous improvement helps employees stay engaged, motivated, and committed to their personal and professional growth.

2.     Enhancing employee engagement:

By putting employees first and giving them autonomy in the feedback process, feedback circles empower employees by giving them a voice and a sense of ownership over their work. When individuals actively participate in providing and receiving feedback, they feel valued and included in the decision-making process. This sense of empowerment leads to higher levels of engagement as employees feel more invested in their work and the success of the team.

3.     Encouraging a feedback culture:

By simplifying the process and making it accessible to all employees, a feedback culture can be nurtured at all levels of the organisation. This leads to improved communication, collaboration, and team dynamics, as individuals become comfortable sharing their perspectives and insights.

4.     Driving individual and organisational growth:

The swift and real-time nature of feedback circles enables employees to receive feedback in a timely manner, allowing them to make immediate adjustments and improvements. Unlike other feedback systems, feedback circles accelerate the rate of growth and development of employees through consistent and decisive feedback.

5.     Facilitating trust and collaboration:

The transparency and openness of feedback circles, achieved by removing anonymity, creates an atmosphere of trust and collaboration. When feedback is provided openly and honestly, it builds trust among team members and fosters a sense of psychological safety. This encourages individuals to engage in constructive dialogues, share diverse perspectives, and collaborate effectively to achieve common goals.

In summary, feedback circles offer multiple benefits to organisations, including promoting employee autonomy, simplifying the feedback process, providing real-time insights, fostering transparency, and driving continuous improvement. By leveraging these advantages, organisations can create an environment that nurtures growth, engagement, and collaboration, ultimately leading to improved individual and organisational performance.

How OneAdvanced can help

Experience the power of Feedback Circles, where employees take control of their development, enjoy a simplified user experience, receive feedback swiftly, and engage in open and transparent conversations.

Are you looking for a more efficient and reliable way to manage employee performance in your workplace? 360-degree feedback has long been considered the standard for performance management, but it’s time to say goodbye to this method and welcome in Feedback Circles with OneAdvanced's Perfomance & Talent solution.