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The role of technology in business scalability

16/07/2024 minute read Nadine Sutton

In today's fast-paced business landscape, technology stands as a prime solution for companies in terms of keeping pace, scaling effectively, and succeeding sustainably. Gartner anticipates that the Cloud will become a business necessity by 2028, with more than 50% of enterprises using Cloud platforms to accelerate their strategic initiatives. This statistic highlights the significance of Cloud technology as a means of being scalable. But how exactly does technology help businesses to become scalable? Let's explore this further. In this article, we’ll be covering:

What Is business scalability?

In the simplest sense, business scalability is a company’s ability to grow, expand, and adapt its operations in response to market conditions, and internal ambitions without compromising on quality and performance.

Scalability can mean different things to different businesses. For a small business, it may entail opening a new store, while for a conglomerate, it might involve acquiring a new company or penetrating a new market.

Often associated with growth, scalability can also involve adjusting strategies, halting expansion, or lowering production in response to low demand or a volatile economic outlook.

Why is scalability tech important?

Businesses often expand when the demand for their goods and services increases. When this occurs, the existing infrastructure, resources, and processes may struggle to provide the necessary support for this development.

Scalability involves creating processes, systems, and structures that accommodate growth without compromising essential outputs. Achieving this is far more manageable when using technology to assist. Most Cloud-based applications and automation tools represent scalable technology.

This type of technology can replace traditional methods, streamline processes, and automate repetitive tasks, improving operational efficiency, enabling optimal resource allocation, and allowing businesses to adapt quickly when they’re going through a time of drastic change

Benefits of tech in business scalability

One of the biggest advantages of using technology instead of more traditional methods is its ability to facilitate a sense of speed and scale that surpasses typical human work capabilities.

This benefit is evident in terms of scalability too. For instance, consider a retail company whose product becomes popular on social media, resulting in an overnight surge in online orders. Traditional manual order processing and inventory management methods may struggle to keep up with this demand, leading to lost business and frustrated customers.

However, by using an automated order management system with integrated inventory tracking software, coping becomes easier. This enables efficient order processing, reduced lead times, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Here are some of the other benefits brought about by scalable technology:

  • Increased operational efficiency

Using technology to automate repetitive tasks and reduce human error is one of the best ways to increase efficiency. It means the same task can be performed faster and with more precision, allowing employees to focus on more critical tasks. Automation also streamlines processes and optimises workflows within the organisation.

  • Cost efficiency

Automation significantly contributes to cost savings by helping to remove unnecessary labour. Cloud-based applications offer resources and infrastructure needed without the requirement of investing in them upfront or handling their maintenance. They are usually provided via a subscription model, which is more financially viable for many companies.

  • Improved collaboration

Cloud platforms enable organisations to build global workforces that can collaborate remotely without geographical barriers. Employees can now communicate seamlessly using tools like video conferencing, and track project progress with project management software. These tools also facilitate easy feedback exchange through comments and conversations, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned.

  • Enhanced customer experience

Maintaining good customer experience is essential for retaining business. Leveraging technology can help you take this to the next level. Offering 24/7 customer help is vital, especially for organisations with a global customer base. Achieving this is possible with chatbots and virtual assistants that can promptly answer customer queries and resolve issues.

Similarly, using data analytics, businesses can understand customer behaviour and preferences. This enables them to personalise communication and provide targeted recommendations, thus enhancing the overall customer experience.

  • Data-driven decision making

Data can help identify trends, track performance, and drive decisions that contribute to the scaling of your business. Given the volume of data businesses accumulate, traditional methods of data analysis involve time-consuming manual data collection.

Technology can significantly accelerate this process by helping in the collection, storage, and analysis of large amounts of data (in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional methods). Additionally, dashboards and other visual presentation tools make it easier to comprehend the data and make strategic decisions aimed towards business growth/expansion.

The challenges of tech in business scalability

Introducing technology for scalability purposes doesn’t come without its challenges, such as:

  • Complexity of implementation

Implementing new technology into an established setup while ensuring seamless functionality across various departments can be a complex and daunting task. It requires both technical preparedness and an acceptance of change among employees.

In addition, there are numerous tasks that need to be addressed such as data migration, staff training, vendor management, regulatory compliance, and security management. While these factors may seem overwhelming, they should be seen as an opportunity to refine technological infrastructure, align it with scalability goals, and empower teams to innovate and excel.

  • Legacy systems and integration issues

Many organisations find themselves tied to outdated legacy systems due to the critical role they play in business operations. These systems often lack compatibility with new technologies, creating integration challenges that require additional time and resources to resolve. For instance, if one element of accounting is done with old software but other areas utilise a new financial management system, it could be tricky to implement them. These integration issues highlight the importance of addressing legacy system limitations to ensure a smooth transition to scalable technology.

  • Security and data management

When transitioning to a Cloud platform, the process of migrating substantial volumes of data from legacy systems represents a significant data management challenge. This task is particularly critical as it will likely involve the handling of sensitive data.

Given the prevalence of cyber threats, safeguarding the security of data and systems is another paramount concern for businesses. Moreover, the existence of data silos and the effort required to reassess data accuracy add further levels of work and complexity to the process of scaling business operations.

Budget constraints and organisational readiness are other examples of challenges that may arise. However, these challenges can be overcome, and companies should consider the future gains and wider return on investment before becoming discouraged. This future-focused approach not only mitigates the inherent complexities but also fosters an environment where technology becomes a catalyst for success rather than a barrier to scalability.

What technology should a business use when scaling?

There are a plethora of scalable tools and technologies available. Hence, companies should consider their own needs, goals, and priorities when making choices.

For instance, companies with legacy systems may find hybrid Cloud more suitable for them. Whereas startups and fast-growing businesses with fluctuating workloads could see benefits in opting for public Cloud.

Let's explore some technologies that can help your business to grow seamlessly:


We have already touched upon some of the benefits brought about by automation. Studies show that automation can yield significant cost savings and increase efficiency, therefore organisations aiming to scale up should not ignore its power. Some widely used tools businesses can deploy to achieve automation include:

Workflow tools

Workflow tools are software solutions crafted to manage, streamline, and optimise business processes. They essentially help to define sequential workflows, while offering insights into workflow efficiency for further improvements.

As a business scales, workflow tools like project management systems provide clarity on who's doing what, when they’re doing it, and why they’re doing it, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. This enables adaptability as the organisation expands or changes.

Cloud and SaaS services

Cloud and Software as Service (SaaS) offer a wide range of benefits that bolster business growth and efficiency. They can facilitate aspects like storage, databases, servers, networking, software, and analytics without the need for physical onsite data centres.

Companies can rent both applications and storage from a Cloud service provider and save on infrastructure costs by only paying for the resources they use. Cloud services enable businesses to easily adjust resources like processing power, and bandwidth to meet demand and scale their infrastructure up or down as needed.

CRM software

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software helps organisations to organise and manage customer interactions and relationships effectively. It provides a centralised data of customers, helping them to clearly understand what they want or expect. This understanding assists them with producing and modifying products to better meet consumer demands. Consequently, these improvements may lead to increased customer retention, which then helps reach and reputation over time.

Analytics tools

Often quoted as the new currency, the importance of data and data-driven decisions in the contemporary business environment cannot be overstated. Data analytics offers you valuable insights into various facets of the business including resource utilisation, financial management, customer behaviour, and the efficacy of marketing endeavours. Data serves as a guiding force for decisions spanning production levels to marketing strategies, making data analytics an influential tool capable of forecasting and steering businesses in the right direction.

Communication/collaboration tools

These include platforms with features like messaging, video calling, scheduling meetings, and file sharing. Such tools are vital for staying connected and collaborating effectively, especially in the hybrid working environment prevalent today.

Improve your business’ scalability

For a growing business, scaling the finance function is essential. A scalable financial management solution can simplify operations, allowing the finance department to focus on strategy and growth. Financials, a Cloud-based accounting software, is an excellent fit for this purpose. Its Cloud capabilities offer all the benefits of remote access, cost efficiency, task automation, and effortless collaboration.

It offers in-depth financial analysis along with real-time reporting, dashboards, budgeting, forecasting, and planning. Its open architecture allows seamless integration with various ERP systems, CRM tools, and other business software too. This is crucial for automating workflows and reducing manual processes, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity. It is also scalable and can therefore accommodate the growing needs of your company as and when you expand.