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The role of AI in enhancing cybersecurity defences

07/12/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Is your organisation truly cyber secure? 

A recent survey featured in our Annual Trends Report revealed a startling fact: only about 47%, which is less than half, of IT professionals engaged in managing cyber security and mitigating threats every day express confidence in their current systems’ ability to ward off cyberattacks. 

Evolving technology is a dual-edged sword. As technology and Artificial intelligence (AI) continue their relentless evolution, so too does their potential to be weaponised in sophisticated cybercrimes. However, the same technology and AI that pose threats can also be harnessed to bolster our defences against these malicious activities. 

In this blog, we'll delve into the crucial role that AI plays in enhancing modern day cybersecurity measures. 

Applications of AI in cybersecurity 

AI has progressed significantly in the past few years and has brought about revolutionary transformation across various fields. Cybersecurity is no exception to this phenomenon, and AI has made significant contributions to strengthening cybersecurity. Below are some of the noteworthy applications of AI in cybersecurity. 

  • Threat detection 

AI has the power to analyse massive amounts of data in mere seconds. Furthermore, it can perform this task continuously and in real-time, enabling the detection of anomalies or suspicious patterns that may hint at cyberattacks. 

For instance, AI can monitor the activities of employees and contractors to identify any unusual behaviour that could suggest possible data breaches. 

  • Behavioural analysis 

AI can learn patterns and behaviours of users, devices, and networks, enabling it to sense abnormal or malicious activities and promptly trigger alerts and automated responses. 

This behavioural analysis is applied in phishing detection and network security. AI can detect phishing attempts by evaluating email content and sender behaviour, thus providing protection against social engineering attacks. 

Similarly, AI monitors network traffic for unusual patterns, aiding in identification of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, intrusions, and other network-based threats. 

  • Antivirus and malware protection 

With its ability to analyse data and detect anomalies, the integration of AI can greatly enhance traditional antivirus software. AI can not only block known malware but also has the potential to identify new threats. 

  • User authentication 

AI can strengthen user authentication by monitoring biometric data, keystroke patterns, and other user behaviours to verify user identity and prevent imposters and unauthorised users from accessing the system. 

  • Automation 

Automation is one of AI's strongest suits. With AI, security incident responses can be streamlined and automated. It can prioritise threats, investigate, and initiate actions to mitigate risks. Additionally, AI can automate software updates and the application of security patches, leaving little to no room for vulnerabilities in applications. 

  • Prevention 

AI tools can scan and assess systems for vulnerabilities, offering insights into their criticality and potential impact, helping you prioritise issues to resolve. AI is instrumental in ensuring data encryption, providing an added layer of security to protect sensitive information. 

 Additionally, AI's learning abilities enable it to train from previous incidents, thus improving its defences and adapting security measures to evolving threats. 

Challenges of AI integration into cybersecurity systems 

AI integration with cybersecurity systems comes with its share of challenges, with data security, accountability, and biases being the major concerns. Safeguarding sensitive data during AI analysis is critical due to privacy concerns and the risk of data breaches. Furthermore, as AI makes autonomous decisions, establishing accountability for these actions can be challenging. There's also a risk of developing biases that might lead to unfair and discriminatory actions.  

Therefore, it is imperative to establish ethical guidelines for the deployment of AI in cybersecurity, along with robust transparency and bias mitigation strategies. Striking this balance is crucial to harness the power of AI while upholding ethical standards and complying with legal regulations. 

Bolstering cybersecurity with AI 

With AI at your disposal, organisations can significantly improve their security measures, reducing the risk of cyberattacks. AI-driven solutions continuously adapt to evolving technology, making them indispensable for survival. 

Being responsible for growth, data security, and client privacy, staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends is vital. Our annual trends report sparks discussions on IoT challenges and the perspectives of industry professionals across the UK, emphasizing cybersecurity's importance. 

Download our Trends Report now to prepare for tomorrow's challenges.