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New skillsets in AI-driven law firms

08/03/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Artificial intelligence, once a distant futuristic concept, is now decidedly shaping the legal landscape. Gone are the days when a law degree and years of experience alone guaranteed a successful career in the legal field. Modern law firms are morphing into tech-savvy entities, deploying AI to optimise workflows, crunch data, and expedite complex research.

As AI becomes the new norm in law firms, it brings with it a new standard of competencies required by fee earners and support staff. Gain insight into the skillsets needed to navigate the changing legal landscape.

At a turning point

The legal profession is at a turning point. The shifts brought about by AI are reshaping core operations and emphasising a new kind of efficiency. It is fundamentally altering the roles and responsibilities within law firms.

AI has the potential to significantly reduce the tedious manual tasks, typically performed by associates and paralegals, freeing up valuable time for strategic work. From contract review to legal research, AI-driven technologies are automating these processes while providing accuracy and faster turnaround times.

The advent of AI is leading to the evolution of professional roles in law firms. Fee earners are being tasked with more high-level cognitive activities, utilising it to enhance their decision-making capabilities. Support staff, now more than ever, need to be proficient in leveraging AI tools to ensure the seamless integration of these technologies into daily operations.

Key skillsets

It's crucial for legal professionals to equip themselves with a new arsenal of skills to stay competitive in the AI-infused legal world. From proficiency in legal tech to refined client management, the skill sets required are as diverse as they are vital.

As we increasingly rely on AI for automating tasks, it's vital that we also develop the skills to ensure these tools are working as expected. This is where sanity checks and a focus on accuracy come into play. Sanity checks involve a set of simple tests used to confirm that the output of a system, such as an AI tool, is within expected parameters. They're a way to 'sense-check' the results before proceeding with further actions or decisions based on those results.

Legal professionals need to understand how to perform these checks effectively. For example, a sanity check might involve reviewing a randomly selected subset of documents sorted by an AI tool to check if they have been correctly categorised. Legal professionals need to develop a keen eye for detail to spot any errors or inconsistencies in the AI output. This could range from spotting inaccuracies in automated contract reviews to identifying anomalies in data analysis.

Developing these skills not only ensures the reliability of AI tools but also contributes to the overall quality of work produced by the law firm. After all, while AI can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity, its benefits can only be fully realised when paired with human oversight and expertise.

Gone are the gasps at the sight of a spreadsheet. Fee earners and support staff need to be not only familiar but fluent in the operation of AI-powered software. This involves everything from understanding the basics of how they work to being adept at using software for document management and e-discovery – as well as understanding how AI tools work and how to create effective prompts and processes for effective and accurate automation from AI tools.

While AI excels at digital work, it can't replace the human element of client interaction. Legal professionals need to develop and hone their skills in managing client relationships, which entails understanding client needs, providing a personalised service, and effectively communicating complex legal issues in a manner that's relatable and easily comprehensible.

Recognising the growing importance of these new skill sets, many law firms are investing in training and upskilling programs for their staff. Continuous learning must now include training and learning revolving around these new skills.

The AI revolution in law is inevitable. Legal professionals must seize the opportunity to adapt, evolve, and thrive in this new digital landscape. By embracing the new skill sets demanded of them, they can lay the groundwork for a more efficient, innovative, and successful legal industry.