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Large language models (Part 2): Understanding the mechanism

22/05/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

In the prior section, we examined the basic principles of Large Language Models (LLMs), including their definition, essential hardware and software elements, hardware challenges, and how cloud technology tackles these problems. This section will now explain why LLMs are vital for companies, clarifying how they work, their functions, and practical applications.

Why are large language models important for businesses?

Large language models have been around in the business realm since long time, but they achieved the real recognition after the launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI in November 2022. Today, businesses are becoming more aware of the capabilities of LLMs, especially in fields like customer service and content creation.

The unparalleled capacity of LLM technology to comprehend and generate natural language content is a valuable resource for businesses looking to enhance customer communication and engagement. LLMs help businesses generate abundant, top-notch, personalised content within the content creation field. This decreases the usual time and resources spent on content marketing and guarantees consistency and brand identity on all communication platforms, including emails and social media posts.

Furthermore, integrating LLMs into customer support systems enables companies to provide immediate, round-the-clock assistance to their customers, ensuring exceptional customer service. As these models are highly skilled in comprehending and addressing customer inquiries with precision, they enable enhanced customer satisfaction levels and promote brand loyalty. With the ability to perform sentiment analysis , LLMs can evaluate customer opinions and offer suggestions to improve overall business tactics.

The mechanism behind large language models

Large language models are constructed based on neural networks, particularly Recurrent Neural Networks and Transformer models. RNNs are artificial neural networks created specifically for processing sequential data, where the previous output is used as input for the next step, making them well-suited for language-related tasks such as machine translation, text summarisation, and speech recognition.

In contrast, Transformer models utilise a self-attention mechanism to handle sequential data without depending on prior inputs, making them a sophisticated form of neural network architecture. This ability enables them to manage longer input sequences and produce more precise outcomes.

LLMs integrate the features of both RNNs and Transformers, utilising RNNs for their skill in grasping context within sequential data and Transformers for their efficiency in handling extensive amounts of data. This blend allows LLMs to generate language that is more precise and sounds more natural compared to conventional language models.

Transformer model: A modern approach to large language models

A transformer model represents a neural network structure built to independently convert one form of input into another type of output. At the heart of the Transformer model lies the self-attention mechanism, which enables the LLM model to concentrate on specific sections of the input sequence while producing each output. By leveraging self-attention mechanism, transformer model effectively recognises complex patterns and connections in texts, leading to notable progress in various language processing assignments. Furthermore, it enhances the capabilities of LLMs by enabling effective computation parallelisation and better input sequence handling.

Let's understand this concept with an example!

Picture yourself reading a story, where you might at times concentrate on the start, middle, or finish to understand its core. The Transformer model functions in a similar manner with information. Its focus changes constantly between different parts of the input to gain a deeper understanding based on the requirements. This method enables transformers to generate sentences that are logically connected, similar to when you are narrating a story and want it to have a smooth progression.

How do large language models work?

LLMs utilise vast amounts of text data to decipher complex language patterns and connections, allowing them to generate logical and contextually appropriate replies. This outstanding skill comes from a combination of complex algorithms, neural network technologies, extensive training on large sets of data, and advanced techniques such as self-attention mechanisms. Here is the step-by-step breakdown of how LLMs work, explaining the process in detail:

Step 1: Collecting information

The journey starts by gathering a vast amount of written data, obtained from various sources like books, articles, and websites. The more extensive and diverse the dataset, the deeper the model's understanding of language and general knowledge.

Step 2: Tokenisation

Tokenisation involves dividing text into smaller, meaningful components. These units could consist of words, phrases, sentences, or even single characters. The objective is to generate a numeric depiction of every word in order to input it into the model for in-depth analysis and understanding of text.

Step 3: Pre-training

During this stage, the LLM gains knowledge from the tokenised text by predicting upcoming tokens using the ones that come before them. This unsupervised learning stage is essential for the model to understand language structure, grammar, and meaning. Pre-training commonly utilises a transformer structure, which relies on the self-attention mechanism to grasp the connections between tokens.

Step 4: Fine-tuning

Following pre-training, LLMs go through a fine-tuning process. Fine-tuning involves adapting a pre-trained model to suit a particular language task. This includes providing the model with extra data related to the particular task, such as sentiment analysis or question-answering. The model tweaks its parameters in order to improve its performance in this particular task.

Step 5: Inference

After fine-tuning, LLMs are prepared for utilisation in different language assignments. During this stage, the model processes fresh input data and employs its acquired knowledge and algorithms to generate coherent and contextually suitable answers. The more data the LLM has been trained on, the better it will perform at the inference stage.

Step 6: Contextual understanding

LLMs excel at understanding context and generating responses that take into consideration the context provided. The self-attention mechanisms of the transformer play a critical role in enabling the model to grasp complex contextual information and long-distance connections.

Step 7: Beam search

Beam search is An additional method employed by LLMs in order to produce numerous responses and select the most suitable one by considering linguistic and contextual hints. This assists the model in generating responses that resemble those of humans more closely, improving both its accuracy and fluency.

Step 8: Generate responses

Once the input data is processed and its context is understood, the LLM creates responses with advanced algorithms and its acquired knowledge. These answers may vary from brief one-word responses to longer sentences or paragraphs, based on the nature of the assignment. It can diverse, creative, imaginative, and extremely relevant, closely imitating human language production.

In summary, LLMs go through a thorough, multi-stage procedure that gives them the ability to grasp language complexities, capture contextual subtleties, and generate text that reflects human language creativity and coherence.

Use cases of large language models

Here are a few notable examples that showcase the application of large language models across different sectors.

  1. Content creation: Using LLM companies can automate their process of creating content such as blogs, articles, product descriptions, and advertising copy. They can maintain a consistent quality and tone across their entire content creation. A perfect example would be the use of GPT-3 by a marketing agency to create innovative concepts for content or write promotional materials. This will help them to reduce their time and energy spent on content creation.
  2. Customer service automation: By enabling chatbots and virtual assistance to handle inquiries with a level of understanding that is only possible by human operators, LLMs can transform the customer support process and free up the human resources to focus on other important tasks.
  3. Translation services: When it comes to translation services, LLMs are highly effective as they provide more precise translation which are more nuanced and contextually accurate. Google Translate is an ideal example. It uses neural machine translation technology to generate translation that consider the context of entire sentences, and thereby, resulting in more accurate and understandable results.
  4. Personal assistants: LLMs integrated with digital personal assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa help users to interact with these devices more intuitively and efficiently as they understand and act upon voice commands in a conversational way.  

These examples show that LLMs have a wide range of practical uses that go beyond industry limits. Through the use of LLM technology, businesses and organisations can boost effectiveness, enhance precision, and offer personalised interactions, demonstrating the diverse usefulness and increasing significance of LLMs in the current digital age.

Some common LLM tools that are widely used

With the growing popularity of LLMs, multiple major tech companies have put money into creating advanced LLM technology. Below are a few remarkable instances.

  1. Google's BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): Based on transformer model that use self-attention mechanism, Google’s BERT can comprehend context and generate improved search outcomes on Google.
  2. OpenAI's GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): With 175 billion parameters, OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 is among the most advanced LLMs available capable of generating text similar to humans and complete various language tasks.
  3. Microsoft's Turing NLG: This creates natural language text from structured data and applies mostly in tasks like data-to-text generation, conversational AI, and document summarisation.
  4. Baidu's ERNIE (Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration): This model not only emphasises understanding language but also incorporates external knowledge to enhance its effectiveness. It has reached cutting-edge outcomes in tasks like sentiment analysis and named entity recognition.

There are just a handful of the numerous LLM tools that are currently accessible. As LLM technology progresses, we anticipate the development of more advanced and powerful language models, leading to new applications and advancements in text processing and comprehension. Therefore, it can be confidently stated that big language models are not going anywhere and will keep influencing the future of natural language processing.

What comes after this? Check out "Natural Language Processing (NLP): The science behind chatbots and voice assistants" to gain a better understanding of the advancements and tools pushing NLP towards progress.