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Why do businesses outsource their IT? Benefits & considerations

24/08/2022 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Outsourcing your IT operations can help your business unlock new levels of efficiency whilst also cutting costs. Indeed, 24% of small businesses that outsource their IT cite increased efficiency as their main driver of adoption – according to Capital Counsellor.

Why are so many businesses turning to IT outsourcing? What are the main benefits of letting an IT support company – better known as a Managed Service Provider (MSP) handle everything tech? Why should your business consider outsourcing your IT?

From freeing up internal resources to being able to access subject experts with a wider variety of experience than possible with an in-house team, managed IT support solutions are incredibly flexible. Read the blog below to discover some of the key benefits of outsourcing your IT requirements.

Top 9 benefits of outsourcing your IT needs

1. Flexibility to access support as you need

With a managed IT solution, you have the freedom to tailor your usage according to your specific needs, providing a truly customisable and adaptable approach.

Transitioning to an outsourced team means you can scale your IT support resources for when you anticipate a heavier IT workload – for example, during system refreshes or hiring sprees.

Perhaps you already have a dedicated IT team, and just need to lighten their workload so they can focus on essential tasks? Or maybe you’re starting a new business and need to build your IT infrastructure from the ground up, and want to outsource the entire operation? 

For either of those or any scenario in between, IT outsourcing solutions can be built around your business and its needs. MSPs can scale your support dynamically based on your current level of demand.

2. Reduce operating costs

According to Deloitte, cost reduction is cited as the primary motive for outsourcing. By opting for outsourced IT solutions, you can ensure that you only pay for the specific services you require, precisely when you need them. 

Rather than hiring a full-time, in-house IT team on fixed salaries, you can enlist the expertise of an external IT provider who will customise a plan to meet your unique business needs, efficiently maintaining your systems and performing necessary tasks.

Outsourced IT can also save you lots of upfront costs – especially when starting a new business or project. IT professionals can advise on the most cost-effective systems and configure your IT architecture to better suit your needs. 

Moreover, you can reduce the cost of buying new hardware by leveraging the purchasing power of your MS, or consumer cloud based services on a pay-per-use model. By outsourcing, you’re also avoiding the hiring and training costs of building an in-house team from scratch.

3. Free up internal IT resources

If your company requires an in-house IT team, outsourcing a portion of their workload guarantees that your team can concentrate on the core tasks that truly matter. By liberating time and resources, you ensure that you can extract optimal performance from your staff, enabling them to deliver their best.

4. Benefit from a wide variety of expertise

By outsourcing your IT needs, you get a lot more variety of expertise for your money.  Working with an MSP can help you to get the experience, skills, and knowledge of whole team of responsible IT professionals for a fraction of the price.  

No matter the size of your business, or your IT requirements, an MSP will have the ability to support you in ways that an in-house team may not be able to. Managed IT firms work with hundreds of businesses like yours and know exactly what strategies will help improve your business operations.

5. Keep up to date with advances in technology

When outsourcing IT, you are often not just outsourcing labour, but resources. With a Manged Service Provider (MSP), it is very less expensive to keep up to date on developments in today's fast-paced world of technology.

Through a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you can gain specialist advice on emerging technology and new ways for your business to improve your digital deployment. They can help you better take advantage of new technology updates and releases, and can guide you through your digital transformation.

6. Maintain consistency

With an internal IT team, your service may be affected by staff changes, skill shortages and other factors beyond your control. The risk of this is massively offset by using a managed IT solution, as the provider will ensure that they are providing a consistent standard of service. MSPs such as Advanced design their services around the foundations of ITIL processes, ensuring consistent, high-quality services supported by a scalable team of subject matter experts (SMEs).

7. 24 Hour support

As you’ll be aware, your IT systems need to keep running and be supported even after you’ve left the office for the day.

Having the large-scale IT infrastructure an MSP can provide ensures that there is round-the-clock monitoring and support for your systems, which is a level of service often unachievable by a smaller team. Additionally, if your business has staff working across time zones, it ensures that your staff will have access to IT support whenever they need it.

8. Reduce strain on hiring and management structure

Outsourcing to an MSP will save you time, hassle, and resources – cutting out the need for you to advertise, interview, and train new hires.

You also reduce the strain on your management structure as the MSP will handle quality control and management of your IT infrastructure, enabling your internal staff to focus on the aspects of your business that are essential for growth and development.

9. Security

One of the biggest concerns for any business is cybersecurity – according to our recent Trends Report, 64% of IT Leaders stated that cybersecurity is a business priority in the next 12 months. Internal IT teams are often focused on operations and BAU activities, whereas security needs its own dedicated focus. It is emerging as a more common trend for businesses to outsource security due to the speciality and resources required to monitor an environment 24/7.

Is outsourcing right for you?

According to Capital Counsellor, the IT outsourcing market has grown by 348% to reach $413.72 billion in 2022. With this level of popularity and the current drive for efficiency and security above all else, the benefits of this approach are clear to see. 

The flexibility, consistency, security, and cost-effectiveness provided by a managed IT solution cement it as a convenient and intelligent solution for businesses of all sizes.

Ready to take the leap and join forces with an experienced Managed Service Provider (MSP) to handle your IT requirements? Get in touch with us today to explore how our team can guide you through your business’s digital transformation.