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From Legacy Systems to Innovation: IT Services Tailored for Airports

24/05/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Airports can be a daunting landscape for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) needing to upgrade their IT systems. With multiple teams working independently, strict security regulations and ageing legacy systems that can't keep up with technological advancements, it may seem impossible to improve the airport’s operational efficiency.

Fortunately, there are ways that CIOs can harness innovative technology tailored specifically for airports while still keeping legacy systems in place – allowing them to avoid costly rip-and-replace projects. In this blog post, we will cover how you as a CIO can adjust your IT services strategy and implement modern technologies such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence so that you can maximise the advantages of both old and new technology at the same time.

Overview of Legacy Systems and how they are used in airports

In today's fast-paced world, airports have become essential gateways to connect people from across the globe. And like any other essential service in our life, airports rely on technology to manage their operations. Legacy systems, which refer to outdated computer systems, may seem out of place in the modern world, but they still have a crucial role to play in airports.

These systems are often deeply ingrained in airport infrastructure, and it is simply not feasible to replace them all at once. Instead, airports use them in conjunction with newer technology to streamline their processes. From baggage handling to flight scheduling, legacy systems offer much-needed stability and reliability in the aviation industry. So, the next time you're waiting to board a flight, remember that these trusty old systems are hard at work behind the scenes, ensuring a smooth and safe journey for all.

How new IT services can help airports become more efficient

Airports are important hubs for travellers and businesses around the world. However, with the constant increase in passenger and cargo traffic, it's becoming more challenging to ensure smooth operations. Thankfully, technology offers an opportunity to help airports become more efficient. New IT services can help streamline operations, manage resources better, and improve passenger experience.

For instance, advanced baggage handling systems can help reduce the risk of lost luggage or delays. Moreover, online check-in, self-service kiosks and automated passport control systems can help passengers move through airports faster. These new technologies make it possible for airports to keep up with the changing needs of the industry and improve their overall efficiency.

Benefits of upgrading to a modern IT service infrastructure

In today's fast-paced digital age, businesses require a high-performing IT infrastructure to stay ahead of the competition. Upgrading to a modern IT service infrastructure can provide numerous benefits, including increased security, enhanced productivity, and improved scalability.

With cutting-edge technology, businesses can securely store and manage sensitive data, streamline workflows, and adapt to changing market demands. Additionally, modern IT service infrastructures allow for more efficient collaboration, enabling employees to work together seamlessly from anywhere in the world. Investing in the latest IT infrastructure can ultimately lead to increased profitability and success in today's technology-driven business landscape.

Challenges associated with implementing new IT solutions in an airport environment

The airport environment is one of the most complex and dynamic settings for the implementation of new IT solutions. With a multitude of stakeholders involved, including airlines, airport authorities, passengers, and third-party service providers, ensuring a seamless integration of technology is no easy feat.

One of the main challenges is the need for careful planning and management of the entire process, from design and development to testing and deployment. This requires close collaboration between IT professionals, airport managers, and other stakeholders to mitigate any potential issues and ensure that the new solutions meet the diverse and evolving needs of all parties involved.

Additionally, the ever-changing nature of the aviation industry requires flexibility and adaptability, often necessitating regular updates and enhancements to the technology, which can further complicate the implementation process. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of advanced IT solutions in the airport environment are vast, including increased efficiency, enhanced security, and improved passenger experience.

Examples of real-world success stories from airports leveraging innovative IT services

Airports around the world are constantly seeking ways to innovate and improve the passenger experience. With the help of innovative IT services, some airports have achieved remarkable success.

For example, London City Airport use innovative technology to monitor the passenger journey through the airport to enhance the customer experience.

Tips for selecting the right it outsourcers for your airport's IT needs

It's essential to have a team of experts who can handle everything from managing the network infrastructure to ensuring data security. When selecting an IT outsourcer, consider factors such as their experience with managing IT projects in the aviation industry, their expertise in handling complex IT systems, and their ability to keep up with rapidly changing technology trends. It's crucial to work with a partner who can provide a comprehensive IT solution that aligns with your business objectives while also being cost-effective. With the right IT outsourcer, you can focus on delivering a seamless travel experience to passengers while resting assured that IT infrastructure is in good hands.

Want to find out more? Download our free eBook for a comprehensive guide to selecting the right partner for your business.


To conclude, modernising your airport's IT infrastructure with the right IT services will significantly improve efficiency and profitability. Implementing cutting edge technological solutions is a sure way to stay ahead of the competition. However, this can be a complex process, requiring time and resources. Finding the right supplier with experience in managing airport IT solutions is key to success, as is proper project management. Keeping these points in mind while referencing the examples of successful IT implementations at airports will ensure that you make sound decisions when updating your legacy systems—allowing you to gain an edge over other airports and streamline operations throughout your establishment.

At Advanced, we understand that every industry faces unique challenges and requires tailored IT services to meet specific needs. With extensive cross-sector experience, Advanced are able to support, design, implement and manage your IT environment and empower your organisation. Learn more about our IT Services for Airports.