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GANs: An innovative technology for redefining image and video generation

11/10/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Have you ever come across those fascinating and slightly eerie viral videos where human faces magically transform into other faces or animals and wonder, "How is this incredible transformation done?" Enter Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) – the secret behind these remarkable innovations. A GAN is a deep-learning technology that can create realistic-looking images and videos. With the advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), this breakthrough technology is “the most interesting idea in the last 10 years in ML”, according to Yann LeCun, Facebook’s AI research director.

So, what are GANs? In this article, we will uncover the ins and outs of GANs: what they are, how they work, and the exciting ways they are being used. But that is not all— we will also explore the limitations of GANs and discuss the future possibilities for this ground-breaking technology. So, get ready to dive into the fascinating world of GANs!

What are Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)?

Invented by Ian Goodfellow and other researchers at the University of Montreal in 2014, Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs are sophisticated algorithmic structure that leverages two neural networks (generator and discriminator) in a competitive manner. These neural network models automatically discover and learn the regularities or patterns in input data to generate new examples or output that convincingly align with the original dataset.

The generator’s job is to create new examples, while the discriminator’s task is to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit examples. These two networks are trained together in an adversarial process. The generator aims to deceive the discriminator, while the discriminator continually strives to improve its ability to identify fake examples.

Still confused? Okay, imagine you have two teams of robots playing a game. One team is called the "Generator" and the other team is called the "Discriminator." The Generator's job is to create something new, like a drawing of a cat. The Discriminator's job is to figure out if the drawing is a real cat or just a made-up one.

Now, here's where the game gets interesting. The Generator starts by making a random drawing of a cat. The Discriminator takes a look at the drawing and decides if it looks like a real cat or not. If the Discriminator says it's not a real cat, the Generator goes back and tries again, making a new drawing.

The goal of the game is for the Generator to get really good at making drawings that fool the Discriminator into thinking they're real cats. And the goal of the Discriminator is to become really good at telling the difference between real cats and the Generator's drawings.

As they keep playing this game, both teams get better and better. The Generator learns from its mistakes and makes drawings that look more and more like real cats. And the Discriminator gets smarter at spotting the differences between real cats and the Generator's drawings.

By working together in this game, the Generator and Discriminator help each other improve. Eventually, the Generator becomes so good at making realistic drawings of cats that even the Discriminator has a hard time telling them apart from real cats!

So, in short, a generative adversarial network is like a game between two teams of robots. One team tries to create something new, while the other team tries to tell if it's real or not. Through this game, they both get better at what they do!

What are the several types of GANs?

GANs have several types, including Vanilla GAN, Conditional GAN (CGAN), Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN), CycleGAN, and Super Resolution GAN (SRGAN). Let us understand each type in depth!

  • Vanilla GAN

This is the simplest type of GAN, consists of a generator and a discriminator. The generation and classification of images are done by generator and discriminator using the multi-layer perceptrons. The discriminator's task is to guess which class an image belongs to, while the generator learns from the data it gathers.

  • Conditional GAN (CGAN)

CGAN is a deep learning method in which both generator and discriminator receive input in the form of conditioning variables. These variables provide specific information or attributes that the generated samples should possess. This conditioning result into a more controlled and targeted output, making CGAN a powerful tool for researchers, developers, and practitioners in the field of machine learning.

  • Deep Convolution GAN (DCGAN)

One of the successful implementations of GANs is DCGAN. It uses a deep convolutional neural network for producing high-resolution image generation that can be differentiated. Convolutions are a technique for drawing out valuable information from the generated data. They function particularly well with images, enabling the network to quickly absorb the essential details.

  • CycleGAN

This is one of the most common GANs architecture used to transform between images of distinctive styles. For instance, the network can be trained to convert an image from a winter scene to a summer landscape, or even transform a horse into a zebra. A well-known example of this technology in action is FaceApp, where human faces are morphed into various age groups.

  • Super Resolution GAN (SRGAN)

The prime purpose of this type of GAN is to transform a low-resolution image into a more detailed ones by filling in blurry spots. It is particularly useful in up-scaling naturally low-resolution images to enhance their details.

How do Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) work?

To understand how a GAN work, let us first categorise it into the following three parts:

  1. Generative: This category focuses on how data is generated using a probabilistic model.
  2. Adversarial: GAN models are trained in an adversarial manner, creating a competitive setting.
  3. Networks: Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, specifically deep neural networks, are employed for training purposes.

To set up a GAN, the initial phase involves determining the desired outcome and collecting an initial dataset for training. This dataset is then randomised and fed into the generator until it achieves a certain level of accuracy in producing outputs. Following this, the generated samples or images are introduced to the discriminator along with real data points from the original concept. Once the generator and discriminator complete the processing of data, optimisation with backpropagation begins. The discriminator assesses the information and assigns a probability between 0 and 1 to determine the authenticity of each image, where 1 represents real images and 0 represents fakes. This evaluation is manually reviewed for success and repeated until the desired outcome is achieved.

To provide you a concise summary of the above process, a typical GAN functions by following the below mentioned steps:

  1. The generator produces an image by utilising random numbers as input.
  2. The discriminator receives the generated image alongside a stream of photos from the ground-truth dataset.
  3. The discriminator evaluates both real and fake images, providing probabilities between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates an authentic prediction and 0 indicates a fake image.

What are the applications of GANs?

GANs are versatile AI tools that can be utilised for multiple tasks, including generating images, videos, and text. The key advantage of GANs is their ability to generate new data instances, especially in situations where collecting data is challenging or not feasible. As a result, GANs have found successful applications in image synthesis and computer vision across various practical contexts.

Common applications of GANs include:

  • Image generation

Image generation is the process of creating new images from scratch. This is done by training a GAN to learn patterns and characteristics from a dataset and then generating new images using random noise vectors. GANs can generate realistic images of people, animals, and objects, making them valuable for advertising visuals and video game development field.

In the healthcare sector, GANs are highly effective in generating images for medical analysis, such as creating natural organ images for surgical planning and simulation training. GAN-generated tumour samples can assist in diagnosing and planning treatments.

  • Create 3D images

Another practical application of GANs is to transform 2D images into immersive 3D representations. For example, researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created 3D models of chairs and other furniture that possess a human-like touch. These models can be applied to architectural visualisation or video games.

  • Human face generation

GANs have the capability to generate highly precise depictions of human faces. An impressive example is Nvidia's StyleGAN2 [include a link], which highlights its ability to create extraordinary, true-to-life images of individuals who do not actually exist. These visuals are so realistic that they often deceive viewers into mistaking them for real people.

  • Medical image processing

GANs have immense potential in medical image processing. They can improve various aspects of medical imaging like denoising, segmentation, and synthesis. Training GANs with large sets of medical images enables them to generate high-quality, realistic medical images that aid in diagnosing and treating different conditions. GANs can also augment data, creating more training examples to enhance machine learning algorithms.

What are the limitations of Generated Adversarial Networks?

Now that we have understood what are Generative Adversarial Networks and delved into the capabilities of GANs and their wide-ranging applications across various industries, let us take a closer look at their limitations as well.

  • Hard to train: When it comes to training GANs, they can be quite tricky and prone to issues like instability, mode collapse, or failure to converge. It is like navigating a rocky path filled with potential obstacles.
  • Overfitting problem: GANs tend to overfit the training data, resulting in synthetic data that closely resembles the original dataset but lacks diversity. It is like creating a replica that lacks true uniqueness.
  • Computational cost: GANs demand significant computational resources, making them slow to train, especially when dealing with high-resolution images or large datasets. Think of it as a marathon that requires substantial processing power.
  • Interpretability and accountability: Understanding and explaining GANs can be like deciphering a complex puzzle. Their opacity makes it challenging to ensure accountability, transparency, or fairness in their applications. It is like trying to unravel a mysterious and intricate code.

What is the future of GANs in the world of AI?

GANs have emerged as a formidable tool, capable of generating authentic data across a wide range of domains. However, there are still numerous unanswered questions surrounding their inner workings. To address these inquiries, our priority is to delve into the intricate theoretical properties of GANs, gaining profound insights into their mechanics. Subsequently, we can focus on developing effective and efficient techniques for training and optimizing GANs. Lastly, we aim to expand the application of GANs to new frontiers, such as 3D data generation and natural language processing. That way, we can continuously push the boundaries of their capabilities and fully harness their potential to generate realistic data.

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