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From on-premises to cloud: a journey of digital transformation

07/11/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Is a complete switch to cloud solutions the right path for your business?

The innumerable benefits of cloud solutions are well-known. To stay relevant in today's evolving business landscape, they have almost become a necessity. However, moving from on-premises to cloud solutions is not as easy as flipping a switch. A popular solution that has worked for most and is trending might not be the one for you.

We need to understand that every business is a unique entity with distinct needs, demanding an approach that goes beyond what's trending. Perhaps, what is needed is a balancing act or a hybrid model that uses both on-premises and cloud solutions together.

In this blog, let's explore how you can embrace hybrid solution to seamlessly transition from on-premises to cloud.

Understanding on-premises and cloud

Before we make any decisions, let’s refresh our understanding of on-premises and cloud solutions and why there is a need for the transition.

On-premises IT infrastructure: This is the traditional method where data and applications are hosted on in-house servers. It offers advantages, such as having full control over the infrastructure, data, and security.

Cloud computing: This is a modern solution, wherein businesses can access resources and services including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and analytics via the internet (the cloud) from a third-party cloud service provider. This approach empowers businesses to focus on their core operations without worrying about IT management.

Exploring the hybrid approach

While the cloud offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, which make it an enticing choice, many organisations face unique needs and challenges that make a complete transition impractical.

Numerous businesses grapple with legacy systems, resulting in integration difficulties and data silos that limit remote and flexible access. In such cases, the adoption of a hybrid approach frequently emerges as the most pragmatic solution.

Based on the survey we conducted for our Annual Trends Report, we discovered that approximately 36% of UK businesses currently operate on a hybrid model. Notably, this percentage rises to over half (53%) for organisations in local and central government, while it stands at 51% for both the wholesale and distribution sectors and the NHS, along with other health and care providers.

A hybrid approach combines on-premises and cloud services. In this setup, some data and applications are hosted on on-premises infrastructure, while others are stored in the cloud. The hybrid approach provides cost savings, scalability, and optimised performance. Companies often choose to retain sensitive data on-premises for added security. It's a strategic and intelligent move for a seamless transition and an integral part of adopting a modular, staged approach, which is ideal for efficient growth.

To gain deeper insights into how UK businesses are embracing cloud transformation, we invite you to delve into the latest edition of our Annual Trends Report. It offers comprehensive discussions on various business trends and provides intriguing statistics related to cloud adoption, technology, and the business landscape in the UK.