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ESG strategies: Future-proofing your businesses during economic pressures

23/11/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The current economic climate is an undeniable force to be reckoned with. With the advent of Brexit, trade wars, and increasing instability across markets, businesses must find ways to mitigate risk whilst maintaining their competitive edge. As they search for solutions in this uncertain world, many are turning towards Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies as a potential remedy.

ESG provides organisations with both immediate responsiveness during times of crisis and long-term sustainability. By incorporating ESG strategies into operations, businesses can create a more resilient and responsible framework for decision-making. Let us delve into the depths to grasp the ways in which ESG can bolster long-term growth amidst economic pressures.

Long-Term benefits of prioritising ESG for businesses

Despite the challenges businesses face, those that adopt ESG practices are well-positioned to unleash a multitude of long-term benefits. Here are some of the key advantages that ESG strategies can bring to businesses.

  • Driving value and sustainability

    The core principles of ESG are not just limited to social responsibility and environmental protection, but also focus on long-term sustainability and creating value for all stakeholders. By implementing ESG strategies, businesses can align their goals with the expectations of investors, customers, employees, and the wider community.


  • Enhancing reputation and stakeholder trust

    ESG policies and practices not only benefit society but also have a positive impact on a company's reputation. Our latest findings reveal that 62% of businesses say they prioritise ESG strategy to improve the reputation of their business.


  • Mitigating risks and building resilience

    Companies that prioritise ESG considerations are better equipped to navigate risks and uncertainties. By addressing environmental and social challenges head-on, organisations can build resilience to potential disruptions, regulatory changes, and reputational risks. This proactive approach helps future-proof the business and ensures long-term sustainability.


The significance of technology in ESG strategy

As we further traverse into the digital age, technology, including automation and artificial intelligence (AI), plays a crucial part in ESG practices. AI can streamline the process of data collection, which is often the most time-consuming step in carbon accounting. Its complex algorithms can swiftly gather and analyse data on energy use, waste production, and other carbon-emitting activities across a business's operations.

For instance, Google's cloud-based AI platform utilises machine learning to automatically convert raw data into GHG emissions insights, enabling businesses to track their carbon footprints in real-time. Such advancements help businesses better understand their environmental impact and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, technology can also support the reporting of ESG initiatives to stakeholders. With the increasing demand for transparency from investors and customers, businesses need reliable tools to accurately report their efforts and progress towards ESG goals.

At Advanced, we are witnessing the transformative impact of technology on our own sustainability efforts. Sally Scott, Chief Marketing Officer at Advanced explains, "alongside with other organisations, Advanced is using technology to help measure, monitor and understand our carbon footprint, to seek out and work with others in our supply chain with similar values.” It allow us to track and improve our environmental impact continually, enabling us to make more sustainable choices.

Navigating the future with ESG Strategies

As businesses continue to face unprecedented economic pressures, prioritising ESG strategies is becoming increasingly crucial. By doing so, companies can not only mitigate risks and build resilience but also unlock long-term benefits such as driving value, enhancing reputation, and attracting top talent. Thus, businesses that embrace ESG as a part of their core strategy will be better able to navigate the future and emerge stronger from any challenges that may arise.

Download our latest Annual Trends Report to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of ESG and stay ahead of the curve.