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Client collaboration in the cloud

30/01/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Clients are demanding better communication, quicker response times, and access to their matter status anytime, anywhere. Law firms in general are not strangers to challenges when trying to collaborate with clients, such as communication bottlenecks, inefficient data access, and slow response times. As we see client complaints rise by 29.7% over the past year, we examine these challenges of client collaboration and how cloud software can help overcome them.

Communication bottlenecks

Since the communication between law firms and clients is critical in securing a successful outcome, the last thing anyone wants is a delay in communication. Delays could be disastrous for a case, with outcomes from lengthy cases to loss of clients and damage to firm reputation. However, with such a need to communicate, 27% of firms still aren’t leveraging digital communication channels to improve their service to clients.

This is where cloud-based collaboration tools can come to the rescue. The cloud makes it easier to collaborate between teams and clients alike through chat functions and client portals firms.

Data accessibility

Law firms typically work with large volumes of sensitive data and regularly need client input. Accessibility barriers could impact the quality and speed of the firm’s service. If the firm needs clients to complete parts of forms or check over documentation, that firm needs to get the data to the client securely, get the client to action quickly, and return securely. Despite how crucial client collaboration is, around a third of legal professionals in our Trends Report saying they struggle with client collaboration.

By using the cloud, legal professionals can access essential client information and files more efficiently. These solutions make it easier for clients to upload and share documents, enabling a more participative culture across the organisation in secure environments.

Slow response times

Sluggish workflows and delayed response times could be considered the bane of legal service delivery. Firms looking to get ahead need to have fast response time with clients, though it doesn't always have to be a meeting or a call.

Utilising the cloud means that firms can implement two-way document exchange and communication hubs, or client portals. This allows clients to be notified of actions they need to undertake much faster and can oftentimes complete such actions in the portal, making for faster response and turnaround times. Clients can also easily find the information they need, taking care of the day-to-day communication, saving the meetings for when it is needed most.

Why look to the cloud?

Cloud solutions are intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to get up and running in no time. These offer more transparency and visibility, enabling legal teams to deliver real-time updates and progress reports to clients. The ease of use and real-time updates also foster a sense of satisfaction and engagement in clients, who are eager to stay informed about their cases' progress.

Furthermore, you can more easily collaborate with clients on improving your firm. Cloud solutions can be used to collect client feedback through surveys or interactive forms. This feedback loop allows you to continuously improve their services based on client input.

We have seen how client collaboration can be both rewarding and challenging for legal professionals. However, by embracing cloud solutions, law firms can overcome communication bottlenecks, improve data accessibility, and deliver faster turnaround times. The solutions add value by making it easier to work efficiently and collaboratively, fostering a culture of transparency and ensuring client satisfaction. Legal practitioners can keep up with fast-evolving customer expectations, delivering superior service, and staying ahead in an increasingly competitive marketplace.