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Introducing OneAdvanced's Business Trends Report 2023/24

16/10/2023 minute read Simon Walsh

In the eight years since we first delivered the OneAdvanced Trends Report, we have seen significant disruption to our lives, our jobs, our companies and our economy.  The pandemic, Brexit and various global conflicts have heaped pressure on the worldwide economy, with a lasting negative effect on our trading conditions.

These results show just how acute that pressure is. The cost of doing business has never been so challenging and this year it’s compounded by the overriding pain point – difficulties in finding the right talent to drive a business forwards.

Organisations remain resolute in trying to do the right thing by their staff, their shareholders and their customers. There is a growing pace of digital transformation and greater recognition that modern digital systems hold the key to efficiency, productivity and growth. However, there has also been a profound shift in priorities away from ESG and DE&I to allow for this.

Embracing new technologies will help businesses achieve better productivity, efficiency and profitability.  It’s important to remember, however, that we are at the start of a new era of technology and it’s vital that organisations are aware of the risks and that they use new technology responsibly.

At OneAdvanced, our mission is to power the world of work, helping our customers' organisations become more dynamic, intelligent and empowered to achieve their hard-fought growth and prosperity.

-        Simon Walsh, CEO

The OneAdvanced Business Trends Report 2023/24 is available to download now.