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Say yes to boosting productivity in your organisation

03/08/2022 minute read Hannah Hirst

Here at Advanced People Management we believe there are 6 key pillars of people experience that make up a great organisation. These pillars are performance management, talent attraction, culture & inclusion, productivity, talent management and modern workplace.

In this blog we’ll take a look at how you can boost productivity in your organisation.

Great productivity within an organisation is vital for the best end results. When talking to stakeholders for your organisation you want to be able to show them that productivity is high and jobs are getting done in a timely manner, and to good standard. But great productivity doesn’t just happen, you need to take steps to get the most from your employees, here are a few tips on how you can achieve that.

1. Cut down on unnecessary admin work

Lengthy and outdated processes really should be a thing of the past by now, but some organisations are still putting a lot of unnecessary admin work on their HR teams. Many are still doing performance evaluations with pen and paper and sending them to HR, and some organisations are still putting responsibility of annual leave and illness onto HR. Tasks such as these can and should be done via software systems that automate simple processes.

2. Integrate solutions where possible

Research by PEGA shows us that most office workers switch between 35 applications, over 1100 times every day! And in 2020 a survey found that 55% of polled employees are using at least two collaboration tools, just adding to the amount of platforms staff need to open and check each day. By integrating your tools into one easy to use platform you can cut down on the amount of time it takes to perform tasks, and make things like recording sickness, giving feedback and booking meetings easy and painless.

3. Give employees more control

Does your organisation ask people to get in touch with HR to book annual leave, or arrange travel, or record sickness, or check company policies? If so then you are probably wasting a fair amount of time and creating an unnecessary middle man for simple tasks, putting a lot more work onto HR and making the process lengthier and more frustrating for employees. Implementing an online HR portal that allows employees to carry out a multitude of tasks quickly and easily, from one space, with just a few clicks, takes pressure off HR and keeps employees happy.

4. Identify your top performers

Rating the performance of every member of staff in your organisation is time consuming and ultimately pointless. The large majority of your workers (around 80%) will be performing well, even if they are not doing anything ground breaking. Trying to differentiate between a slightly better or worse performer amongst this 80% isn’t going to give your organisation anything useful.

So instead focus your efforts on identifying the very top talent, these are the people making a real difference in your organisation, and the people who should be nurtured into those leader roles if they’re not already there.

For more information on productivity and the other 5 pillars of people experience check out our eBook: ‘Say Yes to transforming your people experience’.