An invoicing solution designed for social care, for larger care providers of all disciplines and all complexities. Eliminating extensive administration time and managing the intricacies of invoicing with ease, providing invoice accuracy and maximising that vital cashflow potential.
We understand that care is complex with emerging models of care, organisations are often delivering different services across multiple locations. Care Invoicing has been designed specifically for social care, it understands the diversity of services, invoicing structures and payment funding that supports your specific model in one system.
With different care provisions comes differing charges and funding arrangements. From weekly to hourly charges, charged on planned or actuals, split funding and shared care, Care Invoicing easily manages these intricacies, reducing administration and providing clear and accurate invoicing.
Accurate and clear invoicing is vital for ensuring timely payments and maximising cashflow. Reducing any errors or delays support the stability and strengthens the financial foundations of care organisations, enabling providers to focus on delivering high-quality care whilst maintaining their financial health.
Whether the invoices are for your residential services, domiciliary services or any other care provision, Care Invoicing manages the complexities of invoicing for the care sector. Finance teams are constantly juggling the intricacies that surround invoicing, often resorting to manual processing. Care Invoicing manages these with ease, feeing up your time to focus on proactive moves and revenue opportunities.
You don’t need to dread the complex when you can embrace it. Reliably invoice for shared care or different funding structures, and confidently safeguard your cashflow, for all care service types.
It will enable more efficient working within the service, so service delivery will improve as a result.
Care Business Management helps you better co-ordinate and plan your business model for the future.
Care Invoicing is part of our purpose-built Care Business Management software. Successfully managing care and support organisations of scale, no matter the provider type or complexity. Combining rostering, care management, payroll and invoicing, Care Business Management understands the intricacies of running a care organisation, balancing the delivery of high-quality care and your financial health.
We provide solutions that effortlessly get the job done, allowing our customers to focus on thriving for the people who rely on them.
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