Fee earners save 15 minutes per form when using
Legal Forms and OneAdvanced practice and case management software.
Our legal software is the choice of 4,000+ law firms and barristers chambers throughout the UK.
Document management is vital to the smooth operation of a law firm, allowing casework to be streamlined across law firms and more effective management of files.
Legal-centric document management solution NetDocuments reduces the burdens of filing, while Legal Forms makes form submissions faster and more accurate.
Simplifying document management for more effective and profitable legal practice.
Speak to our legal consultants for personalised advice and recommendations.
Fee earners save 15 minutes per form when using
Legal Forms and OneAdvanced practice and case management software.
Our legal software is the choice of 4,000+ law firms and barristers chambers throughout the UK.
Industry challenge
Our solutions
Create a transparent journey, staying digitally connected, and providing automatic updates to meet and exceed client expectations.
Help your staff reach their targets with workflows, forms, and and monitor their progress together.
With our legal technology, compliance is built in to ensure client data is secure, workflows service clients accurately, and billing is transparent.
Customise and scale legal software to meet the needs of your staff in carrying out day-to-day tasks, and encourage business growth.
Speak to our expert consultants for personalised advice and recommendations.
Ask us your questions and get tailored content to help you.
Experience and expertise you can trust
Deployment was straightforward, forms are much easier to update, and we have improved accessibility for remote working. Ongoing support has been good, and we’ve had a positive response to any queries or issues we may have.
Simon Davies, IT Integration Specialist, Burges Salmon
Speak to our legal consultants for personalised advice and recommendations.
Receive more information about our software and how it can support your business.