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Why you need an employee engagement survey

22/08/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Understanding the pulse of your workforce is crucial to fostering a positive and productive work environment. An employee engagement questionnaire serves as an instrumental tool in this process. It allows a company to gauge the level of employee commitment, enthusiasm, and involvement in their jobs and workplace.

Employee pulse surveys enable organisations to delve deep into the minds of its employees and derive insights into the state of work culture in the organisation. These insights help organisations identify the areas for improvement in their strategies and policies. In essence, an engagement survey is a vital instrument for driving business success and growth.

Why is an employee engagement survey so important?

Employee engagement is a vital catalyst for the prosperity of any organisation. It involves the dedication and the commitment of employees to their organisation. An employee should always feel like they are a part of the company and are not just mere cogs in the machine.

A motivated and engaged employee not only flourishes in their own duty but also plays a huge part in shaping the company culture and driving it towards excellence. This also leads to lower turnover rates and higher retention.

In the current competitive corporate landscape, employee engagement has transitioned from being a 'good-to-have' to a 'must-have'. Companies that place employee engagement at the forefront tend to excel over those that don't. They are more able to attract and keep top-tier talent, which in turn leads to greater customer satisfaction, and ultimately, reap greater success.

An employee engagement survey is a crucial tool in measuring and improving engagement. It provides companies with the insights they need to understand their employees' needs, wants, and concerns. This understanding allows them to make informed decisions and implement strategies that improve engagement, leading to a happier, more productive workforce and a more successful company.

Why use surveys to measure employee engagement?

Surveys are a highly effective method to measure employee engagement for several reasons. First, they provide a safe platform for employees to express their thoughts and feelings anonymously. This anonymity encourages honesty and openness, enabling real opinions and feedback to surface without fear of repercussion.

Second, surveys facilitate direct and straightforward communication between the workforce and management. Direct and regular communication with their employees is key for any organisation, this enables businesses to gain a direct line into the mind of their employees. Recognising and rectifying areas for improvement as highlighted in the surveys goes a long way in building trust and improving the operating model of the organisation.

Third, the data collected from surveys is actionable. It provides concrete insights that can be used to formulate strategies to enhance employee engagement. This could range from implementing new policies or training programs to making changes in leadership style or the work environment.

Lastly, surveys can offer a measurable and trackable metric for talent management. By conducting these surveys regularly, companies can track changes in employee engagement over time. This allows them to assess the effectiveness of their engagement strategies and make necessary adjustments. In essence, using surveys to measure employee engagement enables organisations to maintain a pulse on their workforce, fostering a positive work environment that drives productivity and business success.

5 employee engagement questions to ask

Question 1: Is your work engaging to you?

This question aims to gauge the level of interest and significance employees find in their work. An affirmative response suggests that they are potentially more driven and dedicated to the company.

Question 2: Are your immediate co-workers supportive and helpful?

The relationships employees have with their colleagues can significantly impact their work experience. If employees feel supported and respected by their peers, it can boost teamwork and overall job satisfaction.

Question 3: Do you believe the organisation has your best interests in mind when making business decisions?

This question gauges employees' trust in the organisation and its leadership. It's essential as it reflects whether employees feel valued and cared for by the company.

Question 4: Does your manager value your feedback?

This question explores whether employees feel heard, and their opinions are valued within the organisation. It can provide insights into the effectiveness of communication channels and management styles.

Question 5: Do you have any pointers on how to improve our employee engagement program?

Subjective questions as such empower employees and give them a safe space to express their ideas and shed some light on areas for improvement. The responses can offer valuable insights for enhancing engagement strategies.

Getting the most out of employee engagement surveys

To maximise the benefits of employee engagement surveys, it's important to adhere to several best practices.

Align with company objectives:

Ensure your survey questions are aligned with your company's engagement objectives, vision, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals. This alignment ensures that the responses you get are relevant and can contribute to strategic decision-making.

Use objective, open-ended questions:

Open-ended questions enable employees to answer objectively and provide the organisation with much deeper insights into the feelings and perceptions of its employees.

Guarantee anonymity:

Anonymity encourages honest feedback. Employees should feel safe expressing their true feelings without fear of retribution. Make sure to communicate clearly that responses will be confidential and used for improvement purposes only.

Provide a safe and private space:

Provide a comfortable environment where employees can complete the survey privately and without feeling rushed or pressured. This helps ensure they have the time and space to think through their responses carefully.

Encourage honesty:

Employees should feel encouraged to provide both positive and negative feedback. Emphasise the importance of honesty in their responses and assure them that constructive criticism is appreciated and necessary for improvement.

Take action on feedback:

Finally, it's crucial to act on the feedback received. Develop an action plan based on the survey results and communicate this plan to employees. This shows them that their feedback is valued and can lead to real change, which in turn encourages further engagement in future surveys.

By following these best practices, companies can enhance their employee engagement questionnaires and surveys to maximise workplace satisfaction and productivity.

How Advanced Clear Review can help with talent management

With Advanced Clear Review, it's easier than ever to gain valuable insights from the people that make up your organisation. It’s an intuitive performance management system that helps businesses gather employee feedback by creating and analysing surveys on engagement, company initiatives or wellbeing.

Find more about our people management solutions today.