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Why the cloud is critical to your firm’s success?

11/10/2022 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The technological climate has changed drastically in the last few years and there is a digital revolution across the world. Law firms are transitioning to working on a cloud-platform basis and remotely reachable technologies to improve working collaboration, efficiencies in working, meeting client demands, and staying ahead of their competitors.

Why is a Cloud-based product the best option?

Cloud computing enables your law firm to access software on the internet as a service. A cloud-based system can increase quality and productivity of your organisation, for example with  features of maintaining all work documents, which can be made accessible to all and through reporting features. This can help to maintain consistency and reliability with everyone opening the same information on the same platform. This will also reduce any human error on work and allow your firm to have a clear record of any revisions.

Remote and more flexible working is becoming the norm, and cloud-software can help your law firm work effectively in this way. Having a cloud system installed across multiple devices and accessible online allows staff members with busy agendas who work on a  hybrid model, to use all the same features and keep up to date with the work of their colleagues wherever they are.  

Choosing a secure Cloud-base system

One concern law firms may have is the security aspects of adopting a cloud-software solution. A significant part of the cloud-based system security is the encryption of the data and the ability of data being transmitted over networks and on the databases. The usage of the encryption function makes data and information less accessible for hackers or anyone who isn’t authorised to view the data.

How cloud-based solutions are helping law firms today.

A law firm's administration and operations can be enhanced and amended by streamlining processes. A cloud-based product is always going to have the latest updates with remote access and with automatic upgrades to all versions that can install themselves, allowing your staff and clients to rapidly benefit from the functionality of the new systems when available.

We’re your legal software partner

Click here to find out more about how our Cloud Forms product can help law firms work more effectively and in a time-related matter.

More than 5,000 law firms and barristers chambers across the UK trust us to keep them ahead of the curve. With legal procedures becoming ever-more digitised, our solutions are designed so you can not only meet the challenge but go beyond it and utilise software powered possibility to maximise efficiency, ensure security and compliance and make the day-to-day easier.

For more information about our Cloud Form product click here.