Despite Brexit concerns which have hit the pound and seen growth forecasts for 2017 reduced, Theresa May is maintaining that the UK economy remains strong. At the Conservative Party conference last week, May said the outlook was "more positive" than many expected, and declared that she will invoke Article 50 of the EU treaty by the end of March, triggering a two-year countdown that should see Britain leave the union in early 2019. Yet while the PM stated that her job was to make the process of EU exit as "smooth as possible", she also acknowledged it would not be "plain sailing" and there would be "bumps in the road".
Exactly what those bumps might be remains uncertain and in this way, it could be argued that there are many similarities between Brexit and digital disruption. Not least since wherever you turn you’re sure to find some opinion piece on Brexit and indeed, digital disruption.
Whilst May is highlighting the possibilities that leaving the EU could bring the UK, others are less certain about our future prosperity. However, the fact of the matter is that we cannot go back to before the vote. Similarly, the wheels of digital disruption are already in motion and set to radically change our future whether we are for it, or against.
In line with this general outlook of uncertainty, it’s rather fitting then that innovation, growth and prosperity in a world of disruption are the subject of this year's CBI Annual Conference taking place on 21st November. Bringing together leading names from the worlds of business, politics and the media, it will look to the future and explore how digital disruption can be harnessed to enhance business growth and shared prosperity, defining the UK’s place in the post-referendum world. It also signifies the first time that Advanced will be a corporate partner at the event.
To mark the occasion, we will be revealing the results of our independent Trends Report to identify and examine the top issues (2016 Trends Survey) facing organisations in the digital age and in light of Brexit. Whether perceived to be an opportunity or a threat, the results will indicate whether our customers and prospects understand their state of readiness to change, in order to become more agile and deliver the digital experiences that their customers expect and increasingly demand. In our opinion, it will be those organisations who truly put their customers front and centre, creating operations that revolve around every aspect of the customer journey, who will compete most effectively and prosper not only amongst digital disruption, but also post-Brexit.
No matter what industry our customers work in, or how different each of their growth aspirations may be, disruption is on everyone’s horizon. That’s why, at this year’s Advanced World – our annual customer event – taking place at The Business Design Centre in London on 16th and 17th November, we will be discussing how Advanced is innovating to meet our customers’ new – and varied - requirements. It will also offer a chance to preview some of the new developments and services coming to market in 2016.
If you’ve not yet taken five minutes to have your say, please do so (2016 Trends Survey). By way of appreciation, we’ll donate £1 for every completed survey to our charity of choice – the Prince’s Trust. We would also love to hear your views on how Brexit will affect UK innovation, growth and prosperity - and how digital also plays a part in our country’s future success – so please do get in touch.