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Where time recording falls down (and how to pick it back up)

08/03/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Every minute spent on a case needs to be accurately recorded and billed to ensure that law firms can operate efficiently and sustainably. However, despite the importance of time recording, 61% of firms struggle with the capture of billable hours, which can lead to missed or incorrectly logged hours. Let's explore some common challenges and strategies to overcome them.

Delayed time entry

One of the primary pitfalls in time recording is delaying the entry of billable hours until the end of the day or even later. When legal professionals wait too long to record their time, they rely on memory, which is notoriously fallible and worryingly on average, fee earners miss one hour of billable time every day. Additionally, the longer the delay, the more likely it is for tasks and activities to be forgotten or inaccurately documented.

Implement time recording software that is intuitive and easy to use, allowing lawyers to log their billable hours as they work on tasks throughout the day. Mobile apps or browser extensions can enable lawyers to record time even when they are away from their desks, ensuring that no billable minute goes unaccounted for.


Some time recording solutions are overly complex or difficult to navigate. If lawyers find it cumbersome or time-consuming to log their hours, they may be tempted to postpone or skip the process altogether, leading to inaccuracies and lost revenue. However, lawyers say they save time with time recording software, so the key is to find an effective solution that works for your team.

Look for user-friendly time recording software that can integrate with your existing technology stack and has a range of intuitive features such as automated timers, customisable task codes, and intuitive interfaces that make it easy for lawyers to record their time accurately and efficiently. Also don’t forget that training and support helps ensure that all staff members can leverage the full capabilities of whatever software you implement.

Lack of accountability

In some firms, there may be a lack of accountability when it comes to time recording. Lawyers may not feel sufficiently motivated or incentivised to prioritise accurate and timely timekeeping, leading to complacency and errors. A lack of accountability leads to incorrect time entries, which leads to disputes, and we found that disputes can lose a firm up to 20% of the hours billed when it comes time to pay.  Made further evident by 61% of small firms and 71% of medium-sized firms that find themselves grappling with the task of securing payments from clients.

Foster a culture of accountability and transparency regarding time recording practices. Set clear expectations for all staff members regarding the importance of accurate and timely timekeeping. Consider implementing performance metrics or incentives tied to billable hours to motivate lawyers to consistently record their time.

Inadequate integration

Time recording software that operates in isolation from other systems and processes can create friction and inefficiency. If lawyers struggle to switch between different applications or platforms, it can lead to delays and errors in time logging.

Choose time recording software that integrates seamlessly with other tools and systems used within the firm, such as case management software, billing systems, and calendar applications. A unified ecosystem of software solutions can streamline workflows and ensure that time recording is a natural part of the overall legal process.

Effective time recording is essential for the success of law firms, but it is not without its challenges. By addressing common pitfalls such as delayed time entry, complex software, lack of accountability, and inadequate integration, firms can optimise their time recording processes and maximise efficiency. Investing in user-friendly time recording software and fostering a culture of accountability will enable firms to accurately capture billable hours, improve billing accuracy, and ultimately enhance their bottom line.