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Say Yes to supporting and developing talent in your organisation

18/08/2022 minute read Hannah Hirst

Here at Advanced People Management we believe there are 6 key pillars of people experience that make up a great organisation. These pillars are performance management, talent attraction, culture & inclusion, productivity, talent management and modern workplace.

In this blog we’ll take a look at getting the most out of your people with great talent management.

Managing your talent correctly is essential for a highly productive and engaged workforce. You’re never going to get the most from your employees if you simply leave them to get by on their own without any support!

Even the best workers can benefit from some guidance and support to get where they need to be. That’s why we think you should make managing your talent pool a top priority at your organisation! But what steps can you take to ensure your talent is being optimised?

Use continuous performance management with all employees

Ensuring your performance management is up to scratch is the first key step to efficiently managing talent. Great continuous performance management allows your organisation to support and boost your employees.

It also allows you to identify your top performers, meaning you can take steps to ensure these people are happy in their role so they stay at your organisation, and it lets you identify those with high potential, who you can then nurture into top performers. 

Train your staff and promote from within

All organisations should be utilising their talent to the best of their ability. This means giving your employees the support and resources they need to build skills, gain experience and perform well.

This is important for a couple of reasons. Firstly, people who feel their talent is not being used as it should be are likely to leave to pursue a career elsewhere, whereas employees who’s organisations are taking steps to develop them are more likely to stay and feel more engaged. Secondly, it’s more cost efficient to nurture and promote new staff than to fill a position externally.   

A lot of organisations complain about a lack of skilled / experienced staff, but then don’t take steps to train and upskill their current employees. This can include a range of things including shadowing senior members of staff, internal group training sessions or external courses etc. all these things go a long way for your employees’ development.     

Plan for the future with succession planning and skills mapping

When we think about internal mobility we should also think about succession planning and skills mapping.

Succession planning is the process of identifying the roles within your organisation that are business critical, meaning your organisation would badly suffer without someone in these roles, and then having a plan in place for who would step into these roles should the current occupier no longer be able to / want to continue - this could be leaving the organisation or going on long term leave.  

Skills mapping can help you identify who could fill these, and less business critical jobs that might come available. This is a process of visually mapping out the skills required for roles within the organisation, then identifying employees who possess these skills and could potentially be a good fit for the job.

Skills mapping can also be used when planning who should complete a project, in order to figure out what skills are needed to successfully carry out certain tasks the project will entail, and then identifying those who would be the best fit. In order to do skills mapping you will need to keep up to date on your employees’ skills and experience, so make sure you are regularly asking your people to update this information in your database. 

Give HR the insights they need

In order to do the best job possible at managing talent, the HR team at your organisation need a full and up to date view of organisational analytics. These include check-ins with managers, co-worker feedback, goal progress, development plans and so on.

By having the software that allows your HR team to keep track of all these things they can be sure that managers are putting in the face to face time they should be with their team, goals are being met, engagement isn’t dropping etc. and if they are concerned they can take swift action to rectify any issues.

For more information on talent management and the other 5 pillars of people experience check out our eBook: ‘Say Yes to transforming your people experience’.