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Navigating the landscape of AI investments

15/11/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

It's no secret that the world of artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the game when it comes to tech investments. With potential applications across industries, from finance to healthcare and beyond, AI has quickly become a major focus for investors looking to capitalise on some of the world’s most revolutionary technologies. Our latest findings have revealed a significant 29% of UK organisations, and almost half (49%) of those working in London are currently using AI tools in the workplace. Additionally, more than half (54%) of all respondents say their organisation is investing in AI.

So, why are AI investments crucial for success in today's business landscape? Also, should organisations invest in AI solely for organisational benefits, or does it go beyond that? Let us explore these aspects right here!

AI: Enable smarter decision-making

At its core, AI is all about enabling smarter decision-making. Whether it's through predictive analytics, natural language processing or machine learning, AI technologies offer businesses the ability to process vast amounts of data in real time and extract valuable insights. These valuable insights can unveil market trends, correlations, and relationships that create significant influence over our decisions-making process. Consequently, it empowers us to supercharge our decisions, promptly respond to evolving market dynamics, and make well-informed choices that propel our success.

AI trends: Offer unmissable developments

AI is not a monolithic entity, but rather a collection of technologies with diverse applications. Currently, there are several pioneering trends that are shaping the AI landscape. Some of these include Automated Machine Learning, AI-powered conceptual design, and multimodal learning.

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) simplifies the process of building and managing machine learning models. By automating the traditionally complex tasks, it enables non-experts to harness the power of AI without extensive technical knowledge.

On the other hand, AI-enabled conceptual design empowers designers to explore an expansive array of design possibilities. By leveraging the capabilities of AI, designers can push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, ultimately leading to more efficient and optimised outcomes.

And finally comes the multimodal learning - gaining immense traction in the field of AI. This approach allows AI models to learn from diverse inputs like text, images, and sound concurrently. It mirrors our human ability to comprehend information from various sources, leading to a more comprehensive understanding and accurate and precise results.

AI investment: Beyond expectations

With the above arguments it is quite evident that investing in AI is definitely worth to gain organisational benefits, such as productivity, automation, efficiency, and growth. But is it just that? Does investing in AI benefits us beyond organisational advantages? The answer is yes.

Investing in AI holistically means to capitalise on the opportunities presented by AI to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge in various industries. It involves allocating financial resources for developing, utilising, and implementing AI technologies and solutions that can contribute to businesses and society as a whole. This can include investing in AI companies, stocks, or funds, as well as supporting research and development in the field.

In short, AI investment is not just about the financial returns, but also about contributing to the progress and advancement of cutting-edge technologies that have the power to shape our future.

AI: Challenges in every corner

Recognising the enticing advantages, whether organisational or societal, it is tempting to embrace AI technology. However, the reality is not always as promising as it seems. AI presents its own set of challenges, including budget constraints, job displacement, potential risks, and a lack of regulations.

According to our latest survey, 39% of organisations have not allocated funds for AI investments, while one-third (33%) express concern about the potential risks AI poses to their business. Additionally, 28% state they are still grappling with AI, and 24% are seeking help and guidance. Moreover, 22% cite a lack of regulatory framework as a major roadblock in their AI investments.

These challenges underscore the importance of adopting a strategic approach to AI investments. Hence, it is crucial for organisations to proceed cautiously and conduct comprehensive evaluations, taking into account all potential risks and impacts before venturing into the ever-evolving realm of AI. By engaging in proper planning and establishing a well-defined roadmap, they can effectively mitigate these challenges and reap the rewards of their AI investments.

So now, what will the future of AI look like? Stay tuned for our next blog series to find out. In the meantime, download our Annual Trends Report and stay ahead of the latest AI developments, enabling informed decisions for your organization's future!