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Making onboarding easier with SaaS and blended learning

10/05/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The adage 'time is money' couldn't ring truer than in the legal profession, particularly when it comes to onboarding new starters. With the length of time it takes to replace talent the failure to swiftly integrate a new hire into the fabric of your firm can mean wasted time, lost revenue, and, crucially, a potential gap in the seamless service your clients expect.

The onboarding challenge

With the time and investment required to hire a new solicitor to your team, an ill-fitting onboarding process can amplify the already protracted timeline. This is especially concerning in a field where a single fee earner's departure can take on average up to six months to replace.

New staff not only need to be proficient in their job and skills but also in the systems used by the law firm. Yet, traditional onboarding methods often fall short, relying on the time and expertise of existing staff to support and mentor new recruits, at the cost of their own productivity.

Software as a solution

Software as a Service (SaaS) is altering the landscape of how law firms operate. The beauty of SaaS is its scalability; it grows with your law firm, and its flexible licensing means that as new talent enters, they are immediately outfitted with the tools of the trade.

The real benefit here is the increased efficiency in getting staff onboarded to new systems.

Gone are the days of expensive and cumbersome software installations, each new license is now just a click away.

Blended learning

Blended learning, a combination of traditional teaching with digital instruction, has been making waves in the learning and development field, and for good reason. It allows for the structure and human interaction of a classroom setting, with the flexibility and data-rich environment that technology provides.

Implementing a blended learning approach means new lawyers can familiarise themselves with the applications upon their start, smoothing the initial adjustment period. Once they're in-house, they are now more likely to hit the ground running with fewer queries and less need for one-on-one attention with the ability to check back in on the learnings when questions arise.

This approach respects the time of both the new hire and that of the firm, by frontloading the learning process. It's a win-win that fosters higher engagement, as the new lawyer can progress at their pace, without the anxiety of feeling left behind.

The synergy between

When SaaS and blended learning are married, the impact is staggering. New lawyers are introduced to the firm using the actual tools they'll employ in their legal practice, ensuring that training is both relevant and practical.

Introducing OneAdvanced Legal, a best in breed portfolio of all the legal software your law firm needs, easily accessible from any location with cloud flexibility. OneAdvanced Legal brings with it blended learning courses for all functionality on the portfolio, ensuring that once new talent is brought into the firm, they can get up and running with the software quickly and easily.

It’s paramount that law firms have easily accessible, secure, and user-friendly cloud-native technology. This isn’t just a matter of convenience - it’s a strategic necessity for firms that plan to thrive and grow. OneAdvanced Legal seeks to be that solution, offering practice and case management, accounts, legal forms, wills management, digital tax submissions, and so much more.

Onboarding need no longer be the inefficient and protracted process it has been traditionally. By harnessing the power of SaaS and blended learning, law firms can create a more seamless and robust transition for new hires. By investing in digital solutions that underpin the success of your staff, you're not just investing in technology; you're investing in the future of your firm. With swift onboarding processes in place, new hires can immediately embody your firm's values, practices, and begin adding value from day one.