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Tech Tactics for Tough Times: IT Strategy for Law Firms Amid Economic Challenges

04/06/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

In the current turbulent economic environment, UK law firms are surrounded by a myriad of pressures that threaten to hinder their growth. The surge in inflation rate and living expenditures is making clients more price-sensitive when choosing law firms. A survey of 200 partners, conducted by litigation funder Harbour, revealed that 44% of law firms are experiencing client pressure to lower fees due to increasing cost, while 46% have observed that clients are moving to more affordable competitors.  

Adding to this, the increasing popularity of GenAI tools such as ChatGPT has created both opportunities and risks in the legal sector. On one hand, GenAI can automate and streamline tasks with minimal human intervention, thereby enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs. On the other hand, it poses significant risks, such as the need to reorganise workforce roles and skills, which could lead to a talent crunch and heightened competition in the market. Law firms must find a balance between leveraging the benefits of GenAI and maintaining the quality of human expertise. 

As law firms navigate these obstacles, IT leaders have a pivotal role to play. This blog will explore key tactics for IT leaders to steer their firms through these challenges to support profitability and maintain a competitive edge. 

Challenges faced by UK law firms 

Economic headwinds 

UK law firms are currently grappling with a range of economic challenges that have significantly altered the landscape of the legal industry. Post-Covid recovery has been slow, with many firms still adjusting to the disruptions caused by the pandemic. The cost-of-living crisis has further compounded these issues, as both clients and employees face increasing financial pressures. Inflation rates have surged, driving up operational costs and making it more difficult for firms to maintain profitability without passing these costs onto price-sensitive clients. Additionally, the competitive market has intensified, with clients seeking more affordable legal services or switching to alternative legal service providers that offer cost-effective solutions.

Adapting to cost-sensitive clients 

Dealing with cost-sensitive clients requires firms to adopt innovative strategies to remain competitive while preserving profitability. Flexible pricing structures, such as fixed fees or subscription-based models, are increasingly being considered to meet client demands for more predictable and transparent legal costs. The use of automation tools, particularly generative AI, can streamline routine tasks like document review, legal research, and contract analysis, thereby reducing the time spent on these activities and lowering operational costs. Additionally, firms are focusing on minimising unbillable time by optimising workflow processes, using project management software to enhance efficiency, and minimising any system downtime.

Implications for IT leaders 

Leveraging existing technology 

Maximising the potential of existing tools rather than investing in new technologies during an economic downturn can be a smart move for law firms. It enables IT leaders in the legal sector to effectively utilise tools already available, optimise operations, and enhance efficiency without incurring additional expenses. For example, making full use of licenses under their Microsoft 365 subscription and leveraging all available resources from current IT partners to improve their IT infrastructure and operational workflows without the need for significant new investments.

Moreover, collaborative platforms like Microsoft Co-pilot can augment productivity. Integrating Co-pilot with existing in-house applications can help IT leaders to automate repetitive tasks, improve communication, and provide data-driven insights to lawyers, hence, freeing up their valuable time to focus to high-value activities.

Minimising downtime 

In the legal space, billable hours have a direct impact on profitability. Also unplanned downtime results in major revenue loss and breaks client trust. To avoid these issues, IT leaders should ensure that the IT infrastructure is robust with reliable backup solutions and disaster recovery plan. But how can this be guaranteed?

Regular system maintenance and updates to prevent disruption is one way. Implementing redundancy measures and failover strategies to maintain the continuity in operations, even if primary systems fail is another method. Additionally, proactively supervising system performance and identifying potential threats before they escalate into significant problems can also be an option.

Achieving optimal performance 

One of the main struggles for IT leaders is resource constraints, which is the major blocker for their smooth and efficient operation. To overcome this problem and achieve optimal performance, law firms should prioritise investments that give highest return on investment. Virtualisation technologies can be the solution. They can help legal companies in consolidating servers, minimising hardware expenses, and augmenting resource utilisation.

Furthermore, embracing a hybrid cloud approach can enable law firms to scale resources based on demand. Regular performance audits and benchmarks can also help continuously refine IT operations, ensuring they align with the firm's evolving needs.

Outsourcing as a strategic solution 

The changing economic world requires the legal firms to be agile and resourceful. Outsourcing IT services to specialised managed service provider (MSP) can help legal firms with unparalleled reliability, comprehensive management, and 24/7 support. They can optimise their technical operations and free up their time and resources to focus on core business functions. Furthermore, the proactive monitoring and quick response provided by outsourcing partners can assist law firms with minimal downtime and maximum operational efficiency. 

Cost-efficiency and scalability 

Outsourcing IT services during financial crisis can be a cost-effective strategy. Law firms can convert their fixed assets into variable expenses and hence, can scale their IT expenditures as per their changing requirements. With this, law firms can maintain robust IT capabilities without the burden of huge capital investment. Additionally, outsourcing partners can help legal companies with scalable solutions tailored to their needs, which ensure consistent performance and support without worrying about unnecessary expenses.

Access to expertise 

Managed service providers will bring a wealth of specialised knowledge, experts, and experiences that may not be available with law firms in-house. Hence, leveraging external expertise, and access to advanced technical skills, and innovative solutions through outsourcing strategy enables law firms to enhance service delivery, improve client experiences, and stay at the forefront of technology without the huge expenses associated with full-time staff.


In conclusion, navigating economic challenges requires UK law firms to adopt strategic IT practices that enhance efficiency, optimise costs, and maintain the quality of legal services. By leveraging existing technologies, minimising downtime, and exploring outsourcing options, IT leaders can play a crucial role in steering their firms through tumultuous times. Embracing these tactics not only ensures operational resilience but also positions law firms to remain competitive and client-centric in a rapidly evolving market.

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