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Soaring into the cloud: transforming IT in the aviation industry

03/08/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The aviation industry is undeniably one of the most complex and rapidly evolving sectors, requiring precision, safety, efficiency, and advanced technology. As technological advancements continue to shape this dynamic industry, cloud technology has emerged as one of the most crucial innovations for aviation organisations to leverage. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of cloud technology and explore how it can revolutionise aviation operations. We will also discuss the pivotal role of cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure, and the support provided by IT providers specialised in aviation technology. These comprehensive cloud services offer scalable solutions that enhance operational efficiency, bolster security, optimise costs, and elevate the overall user experience for both aviation professionals and passengers.

Enhanced efficiency

Cloud technology facilitates immediate, real-time access to data, which is crucial for this industry which is highly dependent on real-time data and communication networks to ensure the safety and efficiency of flight operations. It enables seamless coordination among personnel across different airport sectors, from flight control to ground services, ensuring that the necessary data is always at the fingertips of those who need it, enabling swift decision-making and efficient operations.

Moreover, the cloud opens the door for increased efficiency through automation. Various routine tasks such as system updates, data backups, and security checks can be automated through specialised cloud services. By reducing the reliance on manual intervention, the risk of human error is significantly diminished. This not only streamlines operations but also frees up valuable time and resources for IT teams, enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine maintenance tasks. Collaborating with IT support providers experienced in aviation technology and leveraging solutions like Microsoft Azure ensures that these benefits are harnessed to their fullest potential.

Improved security and data protection

The aviation industry is highly regulated, and data security is of utmost concern. Leading cloud providers generally have robust security features embedded within their services. For example Microsoft Azure offers advanced security features including threat intelligence, multi-factor authentication, and state-of-the-art encryption, which IT leaders in the aviation industry can use to further bolster the security of sensitive data and ensure compliance with stringent industry regulations. By leveraging cloud technology in the right way, IT leaders can mitigate risk and build a strong security foundation for their IT infrastructure. By strategically leveraging cloud technology, IT leaders can effectively mitigate security risks and establish a resilient framework to protect sensitive data in airport operations. Trust in these cloud services providers is key to ensuring the safety and integrity of aviation data.  

Reduced cost and scalability

The aviation industry's variable demand patterns - peaks during holiday seasons, or a sudden influx of data due to unforeseen circumstances - require an IT infrastructure that can quickly adapt to these changes and provide the necessary resources without delay or disruption. With cloud bursting, organisations can seamlessly shift workloads to the cloud during high-demand periods, ensuring their IT systems remain robust and responsive. This dynamic scalability not only preserves operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction but also minimises the risk of system downtime, bolstering the industry's reliability.

Additionally, this capacity to flexibly allocate resources translates into significant cost-effectiveness. Organisations pay only for the resources they use, eliminating the need to invest in high-capacity systems that might remain underutilised during off-peak periods. By reducing the demand for on-premises hardware, cloud technology also contributes to lower infrastructure costs, optimising resource allocation and financial efficiency within the aviation sector. Leveraging cloud services and IT support providers specialising in aviation technology further refines these advantages, ensuring that the industry remains adaptable and cost-effective.

Enhanced user experience

As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many industries to shift to remote work, the aviation industry is no exception. Cloud technology allows employees to operate remotely without compromising productivity, safety, or efficiency. Cloud-based tools like virtual private networks (VPNs), cloud-based collaboration tools and virtual desktops allow employees to access data and collaborate with team members in real-time from anywhere in the world.

It also elevates the customer experience by offering a suite of services designed to streamline the passenger journey and airport procedures. Automated check-in kiosks, biometric identification systems for faster security checks, and digital wayfinding tools to navigate busy terminals are powered by cloud systems, simplifying the travel process and reducing the stress associated with air travel.

Finally, cloud-based customer service tools, such as AI-powered chatbots, can answer passenger queries 24/7, providing immediate assistance and support. With the seamless integration of cloud technology, the passenger experience becomes a smooth journey, from booking to arrival, demonstrating how the aviation industry can truly soar with the cloud.

Not sure where to start?

Starting your journey into cloud technology or optimising your existing cloud environment can be difficult. There are numerous factors to consider — from selecting the most suitable cloud model, to ensuring it aligns with your business strategy and current IT architecture, to compliance with industry regulations. This is where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) come into play. An MSP such as Advanced will possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in cloud technology, providing comprehensive cloud services that can help guide you through this complex process. They offer strategic advice on cloud adoption, help with the transition, and manage ongoing operations.

Do you need help optimising your Azure environment? Advanced can perform an Azure Optimisation Review, which will help assess your security posture, get costs under control, help ensure efficient scalability and validate your position against best practice.

Or, if you’re just looking to start your cloud journey, we can provide a Strategy and Governance Workshop which will help accelerate your journey to Microsoft Azure by looking at your cloud adoption strategy, best practices, CAF alignment, and a design and technical architecture review.

If you’re interested in either of the above engagements, please contact for more information or browse our IT Services for Airports.