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Empowering law firms: 5 ways MSPs foster hybrid work

28/03/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

5 Tips to Help Legal Organisations Thrive

The legal profession is witnessing a sea change with regards to how offices operate, as more and more firms choose to embrace hybrid working models. While this offers an exciting way forward, there are also some significant challenges associated with such transformation, including IT infrastructure resource constraints, the tech skills shortage and cybersecurity.

Here’s where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) come in; they can provide your organisation with the knowledge and expertise to take advantage of all the benefits that a hybrid work environment has to offer while maintaining cost-efficiency and security at the same time. In this blog post, we will explore 5 ways MSPs can help law firms navigate through these turbulent times and continue achieving competitive advantages even in light of stiffening competition from other sectors as well.

  1. Bridging the gap between traditional office working and remote working

As the world of work continues to adapt to the evolving challenges of COVID-19, the legal sector is looking for ways to bridge the gap between traditional office working and remote working, providing seamless and secure remote access to critical applications. This transition is not only essential for business continuity but also for ensuring the safety and productivity of legal professionals.

MSPs play a pivotal role in assisting organisations in achieving this transition. By implementing essential tools such as VPNs, multi-factor authentication (MFA), Mobile Device Management (MDM), collaboration platforms, and robust security measures, they provide a comprehensive foundation for the secure and efficient operation of hybrid work environments. Moreover, through the introduction of Remote Support Services, MSPs establish a responsive platform for support teams to resolve issues effectively, thereby alleviating the burden on in-house IT departments. This multifaceted support system offered by MSPs is invaluable in sustaining the competitiveness and adaptability of organisations within the legal sector, particularly during challenging times.

  1. Leveraging hybrid working to increase productivity and collaboration whilst reducing costs

As more law firms look to take advantage of the many benefits hybrid working can bring, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are uniquely placed to support their transition. For example, a comprehensive MSP partnership can set up and ensure the ongoing maintenance of communication tools such as Microsoft Teams that support both remote and in-office workforces. It can also provide helpful training plans to ensure employees know how to effectively and securely use these tools.

Furthermore, by introducing efficiencies into existing processes and establishing cost controls where needed, an experienced MSP has the ability to help law firms leverage hybrid working strategies to increase productivity while reducing costs. As digital transformation in this sector continues, organisations that harness the capabilities of an MSP partner for increased collaboration and communication will be best placed to achieve long-term competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment.

  1. Harnessing the Cloud for efficiency and agility

Cloud technology is revolutionising the legal sector, offering firms unprecedented opportunities for scalability and agility. By helping organisations set up and manage their cloud-based applications, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can help law firms optimise their IT infrastructure and make use of those opportunities.

The cloud has the potential to transform law firm operations, making them more flexible and robust, but migration initiatives must be properly planned and managed to ensure a successful transition. With the right guidance from an experienced MSP, organisations in the legal sector can access incredibly powerful tools to foster collaboration between colleagues as well as clients. That's why leveraging a cloud solution is undoubtedly one of the best ways for law firms to achieve competitive advantage in an ever-evolving landscape.

  1. Deploying training & support to stay ahead

Legal professionals need to stay up to date with the latest technologies to keep their operations running efficiently. MSPs can support by providing tailored training, resources, and knowledge transfer to legal teams, helping them bridge the gap in tech skills and leverage new technology with confidence.

With the right expertise on hand, MSPs are able to improve competency levels and ensure that legal organisations are able to quickly adapt and take full advantage of modern solutions. This not only makes it easier for legal teams to stay competitive but also provides them with an invaluable edge in their field, thereby empowering organisations to enhance efficiency across their operations. By continuously updating their skill set and technology know-how, legal professionals can stay at the forefront of industry developments, thereby enabling greater efficiency and innovation.

  1. Ensuring security through proactive management and monitoring

In the legal sector, security is paramount. The industry is under constant threat of cyberattacks, data theft and other malicious activity, so it's important to keep users, data and devices secure. MSPs can help organisations by providing managed security solutions that will identify and address any gaps in cybersecurity while also proactively monitoring for threats.

This comprehensive approach not only fortifies protection against potential attacks but also guarantees compliance with relevant regulations and industry guidelines. By tailoring security measures to specific needs and potential risks, organisations can enhance their confidence in the integrity and robustness of their IT infrastructure. This proactive stance is essential in safeguarding sensitive legal data and maintaining the trust of clients in the legal sector.

Next steps

In conclusion, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are an invaluable resource to legal firms navigating the ever-changing landscape of work in 2023 and beyond. Their expertise in IT solutions and support can empower legal organisations to thrive in this dynamic environment. To learn about Advanced’s IT Services for Legal and how they can tailor solutions to your specific needs, click here. Advanced's commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology and dedicated support ensures that legal firms can remain competitive, secure, and efficient as they embrace the challenges and opportunities of the modern legal landscape.

“We now save huge amounts of time, boosting productivity and profitability on each case.” Charlotte Corbyn, Taylor Rose Solicitors 

At Advanced, we understand that every industry faces unique challenges and requires tailored IT services to meet specific needs. With extensive cross-sector experience, Advanced are able to support, design, implement and manage your IT environment and empower your organisation. Learn more about our IT Services for Legal.