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Optimising housing association IT with cloud computing

08/02/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Cloud computing has become increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes, including housing associations. Cloud computing involves utilising a network of remote servers to store, manage, and process data, replacing the need for a local server or personal computer. This can have numerous benefits for housing associations, including cost savings, scalability, flexibility, enhanced security, and enhanced collaboration and communication

In the realm of managing IT infrastructure, housing associations face unique challenges. Operating within constraints of limited budgets and resources, they must adeptly handle their technology while safeguarding the security and privacy of tenants' information. This is where cloud computing can offer a viable solution. In this blog post, we will explore how cloud computing can help housing associations improve their IT infrastructure.

Benefits of cloud computing for housing associations

1. Cost savings: Embracing cloud computing yields substantial cost savings, constituting one of its most impactful advantages for housing associations. The shift to the cloud liberates them from the financial burdens associated with sustaining on-premise servers, managing software licensing fees, and covering various hardware expenses. Cloud service providers present flexible pricing models, enabling organisations to exclusively pay for the resources they actively utilise. This dynamic pricing structure renders the cloud an exceptionally cost-effective alternative. A concrete illustration of this financial benefit is exemplified by a UK-based social housing association that transitioned to the cloud in 2019, achieving a remarkable 50% reduction in IT costs. This success story underscores how cloud adoption translates into tangible financial gains for housing associations, fostering operational efficiency and financial sustainability.

2. Scalability and flexibility: Housing associations can benefit from the flexibility and scalability that cloud computing offers. Cloud providers provide the capability to easily scale resources up or down, enabling organisations to dynamically adjust their IT infrastructure in response to evolving needs. This proves particularly advantageous during peak seasons or periods of heightened demand, allowing housing associations to seamlessly optimise their operations for maximum efficiency and responsiveness. The inherent adaptability of cloud computing ensures that housing associations can efficiently align their resources with fluctuating requirements, contributing to enhanced operational agility and overall effectiveness.

3. Enhanced security: Safeguarding the personal information of tenants is a key responsibility for housing associations. Cloud providers present an array of advanced security features, including robust encryption, comprehensive data backup, and enhanced disaster recovery options. These multifaceted security measures instill confidence in housing associations, assuring them that their data is not only stored but also well-protected within the secure confines of the cloud environment. The implementation of such security protocols serves as a proactive approach, fostering a sense of security and peace of mind for housing associations regarding the integrity and confidentiality of tenant data stored in the cloud.

4. Improved collaboration and communication: Cloud-based tools can improve collaboration and communication among staff members. Housing association staff can access files and documents from anywhere, and cloud-based applications allow for real-time collaboration.

Best practices for housing associations considering cloud computing

1. Assessing cloud readiness: Before migrating to the cloud, housing associations should assess their readiness for cloud computing. This includes evaluating their current IT infrastructure, determining their needs, and considering the potential benefits and risks.

2. Evaluating different cloud deployment models: Housing associations should consider different cloud deployment models, including public, private, and hybrid clouds. Each model has its own benefits and drawbacks, and it's important to choose the one that best fits the needs of the organisation.

3. Selecting a reputable cloud service provider: It's essential to choose a reputable cloud service provider with a track record of providing high-quality services and robust security features.

4. Ensuring data security and compliance: Housing associations must ensure that their data is secure and compliant with relevant regulations such as GDPR. This includes implementing appropriate security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and backup and recovery options.

Download our free eBook 'Navigating the Cloud' for top tips on creating a successful cloud migration strategy.


In conclusion, cloud computing offers numerous benefits for housing associations looking to improve their IT infrastructure. By reducing costs, improving scalability and flexibility, enhancing security, and facilitating collaboration and communication among staff, cloud computing can help housing associations operate more efficiently and effectively.

Real-world examples have shown how housing associations have already benefitted from cloud computing. However, before making the move to the cloud, a comprehensive approach is crucial before the transition. Assessing the organisation's cloud readiness forms a foundational step, coupled with the evaluation of diverse deployment models and the selection of a reputable cloud service provider. Prioritising data security and compliance is paramount in this transformative process.

We encourage housing associations to delve into the realm of cloud computing as a potent solution to their IT infrastructure challenges. By doing so, they can unlock a host of advantages, including but not limited to substantial cost savings, heightened operational efficiency, and an elevated standard of service delivery to tenants. This proactive stance positions housing associations to thrive in the dynamic digital landscape, leveraging the transformative power of cloud technology to enhance their overall organisational performance.

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At Advanced, we recognise that each industry confronts distinctive challenges, necessitating tailored IT services to address specific requirements. Drawing on our extensive cross-sector experience, we possess the capability to not only support, design, implement, and manage your IT environment but also to empower your organisation. Our commitment is to deliver tailored solutions that precisely align with the distinctive demands of your industry. Learn more about our IT Services for Housing Associations.