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Generative AI in healthcare: an opportunity or a threat?

21/08/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

The healthcare industry is on the verge of a digital transformation, and at the forefront of this, is generative AI. This cutting-edge technology has the capability to create content that's virtually indistinguishable from that created by humans, opening up a vast array of possibilities for healthcare providers. From powering sophisticated chatbots to predicting health outcomes, assisting in drug discovery, and even revolutionising surgical procedures, the applications seem limitless. However, as with any innovation, it's not without its challenges.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that encompasses models and systems capable of creating content. This branch of AI covers everything from text, image, voice, and even video content. The goal of generative AI is to create new content that is indistinguishable from content created by humans. It works by learning patterns in data, understanding the rules, and then generating similar output. Generative AI systems can understand language nuances, identify intent, provide context-aware responses, and even provide real-time translation.

How can generative AI benefit the healthcare industry?

Generative AI holds immense potential to revolutionise the healthcare industry. In customer service, sophisticated chatbots powered by generative AI can generate human-like responses to patient queries, providing round-the-clock support and freeing up time for medical staff to focus on critical tasks. These chatbots can be programmed to understand and respond in multiple languages, effectively breaking down language barriers and ensuring clear communication with patients from different linguistic backgrounds.

It can be used to develop predictive models that can anticipate possible health outcomes for patients based on data analysis. This means that healthcare professionals can use this model to identify patients at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases and take proactive measures to prevent it. Additionally, generative AI can be used to help with drug discovery, as well as in the development of personalised treatment plans, increasing the chances of positive patient outcomes.

Generative AI can also be utilised in creating code for healthcare software, making it more efficient by learning and adapting to new coding methodologies. Moreover, it can aid in process optimisation by analysing large volumes of data and generating insights to identify inefficiencies and suggest improvements. This could lead to streamlined operations, better resource allocation, and ultimately, improved patient care and outcomes.

Advanced use cases could include analysing genetic sequences to identify patterns and make predictions, potentially leading to ground-breaking medical discoveries, or generating 3D images images tailored to mimic the unique anatomy of individual patients, thereby improving the accuracy and success rate of surgeries.

What are the challenges?

The application of generative AI in healthcare, while promising, does raise several ethical concerns. One primary concern is data privacy. Generative AI models often require large amounts of data for training, and this could involve sensitive patient information. Without proper safeguards, there's a risk of data breaches or misuse of information.

Another concern is the accuracy of AI-generated advice or diagnoses. If the AI makes an error, it could have severe consequences for patients' health. It also raises questions about who would be responsible in such instances—the AI developers, the healthcare providers, or the AI itself? AI decision-making processes are often referred to as "black boxes" because they're not easily understood by humans, making it difficult to understand how they make certain predictions or decisions.

Another challenge is the need for technical expertise and skillset required to implement and maintain generative AI technology. Healthcare providers would have to invest time and resources into acquiring the necessary skills and talent to develop and maintain generative AI technology.

Azure AI

OneAdvanced has been looking into the potential of Azure AI and how it can be utilised within the context of enterprise IT support environments. The objective is to first build and understand the system internally, experiencing all the challenges and breakthroughs, before being able to roll it out to customers. By going through this journey first hand, we’ll gain invaluable insights and experience.

Data security is paramount in all of the design decisions we make. The main advantage of using Azure AI is that data remains secure within Microsoft tenants, offering reassurance of protection and privacy. Customers already trust Microsoft with their data, whether that’s in the form of Microsoft 365, or Azure services.


Generative AI has a lot of potential in the healthcare industry. If developed and implemented correctly, it could improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency and reduce costs. It is, however, important that healthcare providers are aware of the challenges and concerns that come with implementing this technology. With the right measures and partner in place, generative AI can be a game-changer.

To learn more about the implications for your business, watch our on-demand webinar, where we will discuss the latest developments in generative AI technology, showcase applications and use cases, and highlight key areas to focus on when preparing for its opportunities and challenges.

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