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Key Steps for Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption Success

13/02/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is Microsoft’s new AI tool that helps you take advantage of AI language models to superpower your workplace. Given the numerous advantages that Copilot can bring to an organisation, integrating it into your business operations is almost a no-brainer.

However, before adopting Copilot, there are a few key considerations that you need to make to ensure you get the most out of this new technology. One of these is ensuring that you have a data strategy, as Copilot uses organisational data to fuel its responses – essentially, your data empowers your Copilot.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the five key steps needed to achieve successful Copilot for Microsoft 365 adoption in your organisation.

What is Copilot for Microsoft 365?

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an innovative productivity tool designed to revolutionise your work experience. It's an AI-powered assistant that seamlessly integrates into the Microsoft 365 apps you use every day, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and more. Unlike standalone AI tools, Copilot is embedded directly into these applications, working alongside you to enhance your productivity.

Utilising OpenAI's GPT-4, Copilot leverages large language models (LLMs) to provide real-time intelligent assistance to enhance productivity and drive efficiency. This unique integration empowers employees by simplifying daily tasks, helping them achieve more in less time. Whether it's drafting an email in Outlook, creating a presentation in PowerPoint, or managing data in Excel, Copilot is there to assist, making Microsoft 365 not just a suite of applications, but a comprehensive productivity ecosystem.

Functioning seamlessly within your existing Microsoft 365 applications, Copilot integrates with organisational data to assist you with anything you need. Through straightforward commands and minimal clicks, users can generate diverse outputs, simplifying complex tasks and optimising workflows.

For example, Copilot eliminates the need for manual email drafting, enabling users to swiftly generate personalised email drafts with a few words and a click. It can also generate detailed meeting reports, incorporating insightful data and actionable recommendations to get the most out of it. All of these benefits and so many more help simplify the workday, allowing you to focus on essential tasks. 

Key Steps for Adoption Success

Define a vision and identify how the product will be used

Start by setting clear objectives and outlining how Microsoft 365 Copilot will be used within your organisation. This could involve envisioning specific tasks it can streamline or areas where it could boost productivity. Having a clear idea of what you want to achieve with Copilot will guide your implementation strategy and help inform decisions to ensure you meet your objectives.

By doing this, you can find tangible benefits in using Copilot at an organisational level rather than just a personal level.

Complete Technical Readiness

To get started with Copilot for Microsoft 365, you need to ensure that you’re technically ready to implement it into your organisation. This means ensuring that your data management and strategy is robust, to ensure that Copilot can easily take advantage of your data to do what it does best.

The most important step is to get your data and information ready for indexing. This means organising it and using the built-in tools to correctly file data to ensure it’s in the right place. Another key step is to ensure that the correct prerequisites are in place to ensure that your internal data isn’t overshared and that only those who need access to certain data to work will have access.

In order for you to be able to use Copilot, you also need to install the right updates and applications, as well as make sure that you have the right licenses to be able to give your users access to Copilot.

This resource from Microsoft is a great in-depth guide on how to get ready for Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Obtain support from key roles to accelerate usage

Support from key roles is a critical step in accelerating the usage of Copilot for Microsoft 365 within a business. Key roles often include leaders and influential figures whose endorsement and active use of the tool can significantly motivate wider adoption across the organisation. These individuals can lead by example, demonstrating the benefits and efficiencies gained from using Copilot. Additionally, they can allocate necessary resources for training and support, facilitating smoother integration of the tool into daily business operations.

Enable champions and provide training

Identify and empower 'champions' within your organisation - individuals who are enthusiastic about the new tool and can help others learn to use it effectively. The next step is to provide training for those who need it, to ensure that they can fully take advantage of Copilot, while also rewarding and enabling the champions who are excelling through its use.

By doing so, you’ll ensure that usage only goes up - those who already are utilising it and unlocking their full potential will continue and those who aren’t yet at that stage will have the training to enable them to do so in the future.

Raise awareness through internal communications

Use your internal communication channels to promote the benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot and keep everyone informed about its rollout. This could be through emails, Teams, or meetings. Highlighting success stories and offering ongoing support can also encourage employees to embrace the new tool. Making people aware of Copilot and how they can use it to strengthen their productivity and save time throughout the day will help people see the benefits of using it, further driving adoption.

How to get started

Microsoft Copilot is a powerful AI tool that any organisation can use to empower their organisation with the benefits of artificial intelligence and can be used to do a multitude of tasks in seconds.

If you’re looking to get started with Microsoft Copilot or 365 but don’t know where to start, reach out to us today. Our team of expert professionals will be able to help you work out how to move forward with 365 and Copilot and provide you with a helping hand along the way.