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Identifying skill gaps and your business

25/07/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations are constantly seeking ways to maintain a competitive edge. However, a significant challenge faced by many teams and businesses is the existence of a skills gap. This gap can have detrimental effects on teams and businesses, hindering growth and innovation. In order to address this issue, organisations must identify and reduce skills gaps through strategic initiatives, with the aid of digital solutions, especially in the context of the increasingly prevalent remote work environment.

What are skill gaps?

Skill gaps refers to the mismatch between the skills and qualifications that employers seek in their workforce and the skills possessed by job applicants or current employees. It arises when there is a disparity between the skills demanded by the job market and the skills available in the labour pool. The skills gap can occur due to various factors, including rapid technological advancements, changing job requirements, evolving industry needs, and inadequate education and training programs.

This gap can lead to challenges for both employers and individuals. As employers struggle to find qualified candidates, individuals may face difficulties in securing suitable employment or advancing their careers. Closing the skills gap requires a collaborative effort between educational institutions, employers, and policymakers to identify and address the specific skill needs of industries and develop effective training and development programs to bridge the gap.

The impact of skill gaps

Skill gaps and teams

The presence of a skills gap can have far-reaching implications for both teams and businesses. From a team perspective, a skills gap can result in decreased productivity, inefficiencies, and missed opportunities. When team members lack the necessary skills, tasks take longer to complete and the quality of work may suffer. Additionally, a skills gap can impede collaboration and limit the ability to leverage new technologies and methodologies.

Skill gaps and businesses

At the business level, the skills gap can hinder growth and innovation, affecting competitiveness in the market. Companies that fail to bridge the gap may struggle to adopt new technologies, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and stay ahead of industry trends. This can result in lost business opportunities, decreased market share, and reduced profitability.

Why you need to address skill gaps

According to various trend reports, addressing and mitigating skill gaps has become increasingly important in today's digital-forward work environment. Here are some key findings that highlight the significance of addressing skills gaps:

  1. World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report: The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report 2020 emphasised the urgency for upskilling and reskilling to bridge the skills gap. The report predicted that by 2025, the time spent on tasks at work by humans and machines will be equal. It emphasised the need for workers to acquire new skills to remain relevant in the evolving job market.
  2. Deloitte's Global Human Capital Trends Report: Deloitte's Global Human Capital Trends Report 2021 revealed that 53% of respondents considered skill gaps a significant concern. The report highlighted that organisations that invest in reskilling and upskilling their workforce have a competitive advantage and are better equipped to adapt to changing business needs.
  1. PwC's Upskilling for Shared Prosperity Report: PwC's Upskilling for Shared Prosperity Report 2021 emphasised that addressing the skills gap is critical for inclusive economic growth. The report highlighted that 77% of CEOs are concerned about the availability of key skills in their organisations. It recommended that businesses invest in upskilling programs to drive innovation, productivity, and resilience.

These reports demonstrate that organisations across various industries recognise the importance of addressing skills gaps. They highlight the need to invest in upskilling and reskilling initiatives to ensure a skilled workforce capable of navigating the digital transformation and driving success.

In the context of remote working, digital solutions play a vital role in addressing skills gaps. The ability to access online training platforms, virtual classrooms, and collaborative tools empowers remote workers to acquire new skills and knowledge. Digital solutions also enable organisations to track and analyse employees' progress, identify skill gaps in real-time, and provide targeted training interventions.

By leveraging digital solutions and embracing a culture of continuous learning, organisations can successfully bridge the skills gap, enhance team capabilities, and thrive in the ‘digital-forward’ work environment.

How to identify skill gaps

Identifying skill gaps in an organisation is an important step in strategic planning, talent management, and workforce development. Here are several approaches you can take to identify skill gaps:

1. Conduct a skills assessment

Assess the skills of your employees to determine their current strengths and weaknesses. This can be done through surveys, questionnaires, or interviews. You can also analyse employee performance reviews or utilise self-assessment tools.

2. Analyse job requirements

Review the skills and competencies required for each job role within your organisation. Compare these requirements to the skills possessed by your employees to identify any gaps.

3. Evaluate organisational goals

Examine your organisation's strategic objectives and identify the skills needed to achieve those goals.  Determine if your current workforce possesses the necessary skills or if there are areas that need improvement.

4. Seek employee feedback

Encourage employees to provide feedback on their own skills and the skills they believe are lacking within the organisation. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or suggestion boxes.

5. Monitor performance metrics

Review performance data, including key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics relevant to specific job roles. Identify areas where performance falls short and assess whether skill gaps may be contributing to these issues.

6. Conduct external benchmarking:

Compare your organisation's skills and capabilities to industry standards or competitors. This can help identify areas where your organisation may be lagging.

7. Stay updated on industry trends

Regularly monitor industry trends, technological advancements, and changes in best practices. Identify emerging skills and assess if your organisation has the necessary expertise to adapt to these changes.

8. Engage in succession planning

Identify key positions within your organisation and assess the skills and knowledge required to fill those roles. Determine if there are potential successors within the organisation or if additional training and development are needed.

Once you have identified the skill gaps, you can develop strategies to address them. This may include implementing training programs, providing mentorship opportunities, hiring new talent, or partnering with external resources to bridge the gaps. Regularly reassessing and addressing skill gaps will help ensure your organisation remains competitive and adaptable in a rapidly changing business environment.

How to address identified skill gaps

Once skill gaps have been identified within an organisation, it is crucial to address them effectively. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Develop a training and development plan

Based on the identified skill gaps, create a comprehensive training and development plan. This plan should outline the specific skills to be targeted, the training methods to be used, and the resources required. Consider a mix of internal and external training options, such as workshops, seminars, online courses, mentorship programs, or certifications.

2. Provide ongoing learning opportunities

Foster a culture of continuous learning within the organisation. Encourage employees to take ownership of their professional development and provide them with access to resources and opportunities for ongoing learning. This can include online learning platforms, educational materials, conferences, and industry events.

3. Tailor training to individual needs:  

Recognise that different employees may have varying skill gaps. Customise training programs to address the specific needs of individuals or teams. This may involve personalised coaching, one-on-one training sessions, or job shadowing experiences. By tailoring the training, employees can focus on the skills they need most, maximising the impact of the development initiatives.

4. Encourage cross-functional collaboration: 

Promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing among employees from different departments or teams.  Encourage cross-functional projects, where employees can learn from one another's expertise and bridge skill gaps through shared experiences. This fosters a culture of collaboration and enables employees to acquire new skills from their peers.

5. Leverage digital solutions: 

Embrace digital solutions to support skills development. Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and e-learning modules provide flexibility and accessibility, particularly in remote or distributed work environments. Encourage employees to utilise these digital tools to enhance their skills and bridge identified gaps.

6. Monitor progress and provide feedback

Regularly assess employees' progress and provide feedback on their skill development efforts. Conduct follow-up assessments or evaluations to gauge the effectiveness of training programs and identify areas that may still require improvement. Adjust the training and development plan as needed to address any remaining skill gaps. Providing and receiving feedback is always crucial to the holistic development of any organisation. 

7. Evaluate return on investment:

Continuously evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of the training and development initiatives. Assess the impact of the skill-building efforts on employee performance, productivity, and overall business outcomes. This evaluation can help refine future training strategies and ensure that resources are allocated effectively.

By implementing these steps, organisations can proactively address skill gaps and empower their workforce with the necessary capabilities to drive success and adapt to changing business needs.

Tools you can use to close skill gaps

Mitigating skill gaps in an organisation requires the use of various tools and resources. Here are some commonly used tools:

1. Learning Management Systems (LMS):

Learning Management Systems are software platforms that facilitate the creation, delivery, and tracking of training programs. LMSs offer a centralised hub for employees to access online courses, virtual classrooms, and educational materials. They provide features such as progress tracking, assessments, and certifications, making it easier to manage and monitor skill development initiatives.

2. Online learning platforms:

Online learning platforms, such as Udemy, Coursera, or LinkedIn Learning, offer a vast array of courses covering diverse topics. These platforms provide employees with the flexibility to learn at their own pace and choose courses specific to their skill gaps. They often include interactive content, videos, quizzes, and discussion forums to enhance the learning experience.

3. Mentoring and coaching programs:

Establishing mentoring and coaching programs can be valuable in addressing skill gaps. Pairing employees with experienced professionals allows for knowledge transfer and guidance. Tools like video conferencing, collaboration software, and shared document repositories can facilitate virtual mentoring relationships, even in remote work environments.

4. Knowledge sharing platforms:

Internal knowledge sharing platforms, such as intranets, wikis, or collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack, enable employees to share information, best practices, and resources. These platforms promote collaboration and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills among team members, bridging gaps through peer-to-peer learning.

5. Performance management systems:

Performance management systems like Advanced Clear Review provide a structured framework for setting goals, tracking progress, and providing feedback. These systems can help identify performance gaps and enable targeted skill development plans. They also facilitate ongoing performance discussions and coaching conversations between managers and employees.

Keeping a track of individual performances help identify skill gaps easilyFigure – Keeping a track of individual performances help identify skill gaps easily

6. Skills assessments and surveys:

Conducting skills assessments and surveys can help identify specific skill gaps within the organisation. These assessments can be in the form of self-assessments, competency-based evaluations, or surveys targeting employee skills and knowledge. Tools like talent management software or online survey platforms can streamline the data collection and analysis process.

7. Gamification and microlearning platforms:

Gamification and microlearning platforms leverage game like elements and short, focused learning modules to engage and motivate employees. These platforms often use interactive quizzes, challenges, and rewards to make learning more enjoyable and accessible. They are particularly effective for addressing skill gaps that require quick, bite-sized learning interventions.

By leveraging these tools, organisations can create a comprehensive approach to mitigate skill gaps. It is important to select the tools that align with the organisation's specific needs, budget, and technological infrastructure to ensure effective implementation and skill development outcomes.

Using Advanced HR to make your team more competitive

​HR solutions such as Advanced HR enable organisations to track and analyse employees' progress, identify skill gaps in real-time, and tailor training programs accordingly. To know more about our one-of-a-kind HR-centric solution, get in touch with us.