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How MyWorkplace can help you transform your EVP

18/04/2022 minute read Nick Gallimore

Our latest guide and whitepaper explore the concept of the Employer Value Proposition and its increasing importance for businesses who are looking to remain relevant in today’s fiercely competitive jobs market. We’ve also taken a deep dive into the practical steps organisations should take when looking to transform and redefine their own EVP.

One of our biggest takeaways from these guides was the increasing importance of new technology and systems in helping business get to grips with their identifying their core strengths as a brand and to help them gather the metrics and data they need in order to enact meaningful change.

An effective EVP is a measure of your overall company culture and ethos and can be reflected in the levels of engagement and contentment of your people. Organisations with a well defined and embedded EVP will also find that they are more attractive prospects to potential new hires, who will naturally be able to pick up on a positive and productive working environment.

A key element in achieving this success and crafting a powerful, meaningful EVP will be how effectively businesses can leverage the talents of their HR teams, in order to remain connected with their employees and craft a working environment which is able to nurture and drive a sense of productivity and engagement. The wider shift to flexible working has also demanded that organisations re-evaluate their internal structure, requiring HR teams and management to rethink some of the ways that productivity and engagement can be measured.

Why the EVP is important for productivity.

Our recent trends survey found that 44% of HR professionals felt that ensuring that employees have access to the right tools in order to be productive is one of the major qualities which business leaders must strive for.

Furthermore, it is clear that productivity is closely entwined with the HR function as a whole. An employee’s engagement and motivation can be determined by a variety of factors such as working conditions, company culture and relationships with colleagues. HR teams by design have a greater awareness of the wider needs of their organisation and therefore it makes sense that they should serve as standard bearers of best practice and engagement.

It seems evident that the concepts of motivation and job satisfaction are symbiotic in nature and are closely entwined with the EVP. The more content and satisfied an employee is within their organisation, the more motivated they will be to engage with and manage their responsibilities. Furthermore, the happier and more engaged your workforce is, the easier it is to communicate this ethos to external parties.

Unlike job satisfaction, which is a fairly broad church and can factor in a variety of elements ranging from management style, office set ups or overall company culture, employee motivation deals specifically with an employee’s energy levels, commitment and overall creative drive with which they bring to their role. Employees who demonstrate a high degree of motivation are most likely going to be the same individuals who feel secure and content within their position. 

Whilst there are undoubtedly exceptionally driven individuals out there who are able to remain productive and engaged without a suitable level of job satisfaction, for the most part, it seems clear that motivation and satisfaction are intrinsically linked and organisations who want to ensure that their people remain engaged and productive, will need to ensure they feel secure within their roles.

Trust in your people and empowering them to take ownership of their schedules will be key factors in helping drive forward their productivity. A core element of achieving this will be ensuring that your people have access to the systems and information that they need to focus on their core responsibilities.

How MyWorkplace can help

We’re all becoming increasingly reliant on systems and technologies to help support us in our day to day working lives. Unfortunately, there’s no getting away from the fact that sometimes the sheer amount of applications and processes we have to split our time between can leave you feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day.

We want you and your people to have the space you need to let your big ideas breathe and to make sure that the technology you use is actively working towards making your life easier- this is why we’ve created MyWorkplace.

MyWorkplace brings all your business systems onto one, unified platform, offering you a centralised hub designed to save time on daily tasks and giving you back the time you need to focus on the big priorities.

We believe in the power of technology to help you do more, which is why with MyWorkplace, you gain access to a powerful, intuitive solution which can transform the way your organisation works across all levels of the business- from CEOs and managers to apprentices and entry level employees. One single sign-on gives your teams access to all the software applications they need. When they need them. In one place. Raise a PO. Book annual leave. Request travel. Buy stationery. All at the click of a button.

With MyWorkplace you get:

Single Sign On (SSO): MyWorkplace unifies your Advanced and non-Advanced applications, meaning that your teams can access everything they need in one place, without the need to memorise multiple log in details or passwords. This allows your people to get on with the work most important to them and also reduces the burden on IT teams who normally have to manage security permissions across multiple applications.

MyWorkplace offers a centralised hub wherein you only have to create or delete users once before they have access to a host of Advanced solutions. Once signed up, users can take advantage of a range of systems, all of which come in the form of applets, providing you with focused slices of functionality.

Task management made easy: We know that losing sight of tasks or ongoing projects can quickly lead to logjams and pile ups which in turn cause massive delays. MyWorkplace includes a built in task manager that identifies all user related tasks across Advanced platforms, presenting them in one centralised location.

By giving you the visibility you need of ongoing projects, MyWorkplace helps you keep on top of priorities and remain agile to potential changes or delays, allowing you to take appropriate action immediately, all whilst remaining on one unified platform.

Desks: MyWorkplace offers your people an unparalleled opportunity to tailor a virtual workspace specifically to suit their needs. Inbuilt Desks allow users to choose and personalise the applications and functions which are most important to them. By cutting down on the noise and extraneous functionality you often find in big systems, your people are able to create a virtual workspace which allows them to focus on the smaller elements which matters to them and their specific role.

Applets: Forming part of Desks, Applets represent a specific information point, short workflow or small piece of activity (Such as booking annual leave.) from our broader applications such as Cloud HR. Multiple applets can be place on a single desk and are modular in nature, allowing you to mix and match from multiple applications, building a focused view to suit your needs.

Applets allow your people to process admin tasks such as annual leave at the touch of a button, relieving the burden from your HR teams and affording you people unparalleled visibility and freedom to focus on the value-adding activities crucial to their role.

MyWorkplace offers a unique opportunity to provide an intuitive and universal employee experience for your people, regardless of where they choose to work from. Empower your people and gain the visibility you need to understand output and productivity to completely engender trust in your teams and create an environment which works for everybody.

What’s next?

At Advanced, we believe in the power of technology to help you achieve more. We understand that the future success of your business will be largely entwined with your EVP and your perception as a brand, which is why MyWorkplace has been designed specifically to help create a foundation that’s built on trust and also to free your teams and allow your people access to the tools they need to drive success.

We understand that defining and strengthening your EVP may seem like a daunting prospect but we also truly believe that it is a worthwhile undertaking that can help you gain a greater understanding of your business and your strengths and weaknesses. We believe in walking the walk too, which is why we have focused on our own EVP and undertaken the journey of getting to the core of what that means to us at Advanced. We’d like to take those lessons we learned from that experience and help you with your own EVP transformation.

We believe in the power of the EVP to help transform the perception of your business and to position your organisation as an influential and inspirational place to work. It’s clear also that your people-teams have a huge role to play in determining the success of any EVP transformation, which is precisely why the systems and technologies they rely on daily should be leverageable in order to help them achieve the full scope of their role.

If you’d like to learn more about the EVP, what it means to your business or how we can help you strengthen and define it within your organisation, come and explore our suite of PEople Management solutions and get in touch today.