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HR in your organisation: Everything you need to know

25/07/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Human resources (HR) is the backbone of any successful organisation, serving as the bridge between management and employees. From recruitment and employee development to ensuring compliance and fostering a positive work environment, HR plays a critical role in shaping the success and culture of an organisation. In today's dynamic and competitive business landscape, it is essential for both employers and employees to have a comprehensive understanding of HR and its various functions.

Whether you are a small business owner, a manager, or an employee looking to navigate the world of HR, this article will provide you with the knowledge and insights necessary to effectively manage HR in your organisation. By understanding the vital role of HR and implementing best practices, organisations can build a strong foundation for success, foster a thriving workforce, and achieve their strategic goals.

Purpose of HR

The HR department plays a vital role in the success of an organisation. It serves as a bridge between management and the employees, ensuring that the company operates smoothly, and its workforce is well-supported. HR plays a crucial role in enhancing the employee experience by creating a positive and supportive work environment that enables employees to thrive.

HR aims to accomplish these goals by:

  • Attracting and selecting the right talent,
  • Providing effective onboarding,
  • Facilitating training and development programs,
  • Promoting employee engagement and recognition
  • Managing performance and feedback,
  • Ensuring employee benefits and well-being,
  • Fostering diversity and inclusion.

By focusing on these aspects, HR contributes to a positive employee experience that leads to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and retention, ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organisation as a whole.

The main responsibilities of an HR department

1. Strategic workforce planning

HR engages in strategic workforce planning to align the organisation's human capital needs with its long-term goals. By forecasting future workforce requirements and identifying skill gaps, HR ensures that the organisation has the right people with the right skills in the right positions to achieve its objectives.

2. Talent acquisition and retention:

HR aims to attract and retain top talent by implementing effective recruitment strategies, creating a positive employer brand (also known as Employer Value Proposition), and fostering a supportive work environment. By bringing in skilled individuals and maintaining high employee engagement, HR helps build a competitive advantage for the organisation.

3. Employee engagement and well-being:

HR focuses on creating an engaging and healthy work environment that promotes employee well-being, satisfaction, and work-life balance. By organising employee engagement activities, implementing wellness programs, and providing support services, HR aims to enhance employee morale and reduce turnover rates.

4. Compliance and risk management:

HR ensures that the organisation complies with employment laws, regulations, and industry standards. It develops and implements policies and procedures that protect both the organisation and its employees. By mitigating legal and compliance risks, HR safeguards the organisation's reputation and minimises potential liabilities.


A diagrammatic representation of the responsibilities of the HR DepartmentFigure – A diagrammatic representation of the responsibilities of the HR Department

What happens if you don’t have HR?

Not having a proper HR system in an organisation can have significant consequences and negatively impact various aspects of the business.

Redundancy in recruitment and onboarding process

Without a proper HR system, the recruitment and onboarding processes may lack efficiency and structure, leading to challenges in attracting and retaining qualified talent. This can result in high employee turnover, increased recruitment costs, and a loss of productivity.

Instability in policies and procedures

The absence of a robust HR system can lead to inconsistencies in policies, procedures, and employee management, creating confusion and potential legal risks.

Hinderance in workforce planning

Without a centralised HR system, crucial employee data may be scattered or inaccessible, hindering strategic decision-making and workforce planning.

Issues in compliance and regulation 

The lack of a proper HR system can impede compliance with employment laws, resulting in legal penalties and reputational damage.

It's important to note that the specific consequences of not having an HR department can vary depending on the organisation's size, structure, and industry. In smaller organisations, some HR responsibilities may be distributed among other departments or outsourced to external HR consultants or agencies. However, having a dedicated HR function is generally considered beneficial for effectively managing human capital and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.

How can you help HR be as effective as possible?

To be as effective as possible in carrying out their functions, HR professionals and management rely on a range of tools, with software playing a vital role in streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Human resources information systems (HRIS) are crucial software solutions that provide a centralised database for managing employee data, including personal information, employment history, benefits, and performance records. HRIS platforms automate and streamline tasks like employee onboarding, time and attendance tracking, benefits administration, and payroll processing. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) simplify and expedite the recruitment process by managing job postings, applicant screening, interview scheduling, and candidate communication.

Performance management software enables HR to track and evaluate employee performance, set goals, provide feedback, and conduct performance appraisals. Learning management systems (LMS) facilitate employee training and development by providing online courses, tracking progress, and generating reports.

Additionally, communication and collaboration tools like HR portals, intranets, and employee self-service portals enhance internal communication, facilitate information sharing, and empower employees to access and update their own data. Overall, leveraging software tools tailored to HR functions enhances accuracy, efficiency, and data management, allowing HR bodies to focus on strategic initiatives, employee engagement, and delivering value to the organisation.

How Advanced HR can help with your business’ HR

Implementing HR software can significantly benefit your business's HR operations. Advanced HR software streamlines and automates various HR tasks, such as employee onboarding, employee data management, leave management, performance evaluations, and payroll processing. The software has been developed keeping in mind the six pillars of people experience – Culture and Inclusion, Performance Management, Talent Attraction, Talent Management, Productivity and Modern Workplace.

Empower your business with Advanced HR to enhance productivity and create an engaging work environment. To know more about our solutions, get in touch with us.