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How your finance function can break free of annual cycles

19/07/2023 minute read Mark Dewell

In today's fast-paced business environment, finance functions must adapt to meet the evolving needs of their respective organisation. The traditional approach of annual cycles within financial operations is becoming increasingly outdated.

To drive agility and maximise value, finance teams need to break free from these rigid cycles, and CFOs must embrace digital transformation. In this article, we’ll explore the limitations of annual cycles, discuss alternative approaches, and provide key considerations for revamping your financial processes.

What is an annual cycle in finance?

Annual cycles in finance refer to the traditional practice of conducting financial analysis and planning on an annual basis. This includes budgeting, forecasting, reporting, and performance evaluations. However, the static nature of annual cycles can hinder responsiveness, innovation, and strategic decision-making.

What are the limitations of annual cycles?

Annual budget cycles have been the foundation of financial planning and resource allocation for many years. Finance managers and CFOs must consider the drawbacks of this conventional strategy, though. Exploring alternate methods (and implementing more efficient financial practices) requires a thorough understanding of these hindrances, including the following:

Lack of agility and adaptability

Annual budget cycles impose fixed financial plans for the full year, meaning organisations are less able to react quickly to market dynamics, shifting business conditions, and new opportunities. Unexpected circumstances could derail plans, making it difficult to reallocate resources during the fixed budgeting period.

Limited visibility and reactive decision-making

Relying entirely on annual budgets may leave you with limited comprehension of the state of your finances right now. When budgets are established, it can be too late to handle new problems or take advantage of expansion opportunities. Decisions are made based on out-of-date information rather than being reactive to the moment.

Difficulty in long-term strategic planning

Short-term financial targets are frequently given precedence over long-term strategic goals during annual budget cycles. This impedes investments in activities like talent acquisition, research and development, and innovations that promote sustainable growth. It's critical to strike a balance between short-term goals and value generation over the long term.

Resources and time-intensive

The annual budgeting process is a huge time and resource drain on finance teams. It’s difficult to gather and analyse data, work with other departments, and finalise budgets. The manual nature of spreadsheet-based budgeting can cause delays, inefficiencies, and avoidable mistakes.

Lack of flexibility and course correction

It is difficult to make changes or course corrections once budgets are set for the year. Resources may need to be reallocated in response to changing priorities, market conditions, or new business plans. But this type of flexibility is constrained by the rigid nature of annual budget cycles. To respond quickly to changing conditions and make wise decisions, organisations must be agile.

What are the alternatives to annual cycles?

To overcome the limitations of annual cycles, finance functions can explore alternative approaches:

  • Rolling forecasts: Adopting rolling forecasts allows for more frequent and flexible financial planning, enabling organisations to adjust their strategies based on real-time insights and market changes.
  • Continuous budgeting: Moving away from strict annual budgeting towards continuous budgeting provides the flexibility to allocate resources dynamically and respond quickly to changing needs.
  • Agile reporting: Implementing agile reporting methodologies enables the finance function to deliver timely and relevant financial information to stakeholders, facilitating better decision-making on an ongoing basis.

How can finance functions move away from annual cycles?

To guide their finance team away from conventional annual cycles, finance managers and CFOs have a critical role to play. They can promote a transition to more agile and productive financial processes. There are countless blockers that prevent digital transformation, but an experienced CFO can successfully guide businesses through this kind of change. Here are some ways they can empower their finance function to break free of annual cycles:

1. Embrace digital transformation

Place a strong emphasis on using digital tools and technologies to future-proof financial operations. Automation technologies, advanced analytics tools, and Cloud-based financial management systems can all greatly improve productivity, accuracy, and agility.

2. Encourage a shift to continuous planning and forecasting

This will allow for regular reviews and adjustments of financial plans in light of evolving conditions. It increases adherence to organisational objectives and enhances response time to market trends.

3. Implement rolling forecasts

Rolling forecasts offer a dynamic view of financial performance, in place of static annual predictions. Finance teams can make real-time adjustments to resource allocations and estimates by covering shorter time periods.

4. Use predictive analytics

Predictive analytics can be used to foresee trends, spot risks/opportunities, and improve financial outcomes. Data-driven predictions and proactive decision-making are made possible by historical data and sophisticated modelling approaches.

5. Adopt agile budgeting

Switch to flexible and responsive budgeting approaches. This entails ongoing communication, re-evaluating budget priorities, and reallocating resources to align with changing strategic goals.

6. Enable self-service analytics

Give business users the tools they need to view and analyse financial data on their own. As a result, decisions may be made more quickly, and financial specialists are free to concentrate on key projects.

7. Promote a data-driven culture

Encourage the finance function and the wider organisation to adopt a data-driven decision-making culture. Promote the use of data and analytics to support strategic initiatives, performance monitoring, and financial planning.

Considerations for revamping annual cycles

Finance managers and CFOs should keep challenges in mind when redesigning annual cycles and switching to more contemporary financial processes. A successful transition requires all parties involved to be aware of the risks and obstacles involved with the change. The following are essential elements to remember:

  • Change management: Assist your finance team in adjusting to change by offering them training, open communication, and assistance along the way.
  • Stakeholder alignment: Get the support of important stakeholders, such as senior management and department heads, to ensure alignment with the new strategy.
  • Continuous improvement: Establish a culture that values ongoing examination and improvement of financial procedures.

Embracing financial change without challenges

Amidst uncertainty, embracing digital transformation can serve as a catalyst for businesses to streamline operations, prioritise value-added activities, and enhance resilience. Cloud technology is the future of accounting, enabling the adoption of continuous accounting practices.

The journey begins with simple yet impactful steps, such as processing invoices and initiating payments remotely. Reviewing and approving documents on mobile devices from anywhere becomes seamless, empowering uninterrupted workflows.

Our Cloud-based accounting software, Advanced Financials, ensures you can achieve data accuracy and embrace continuous accounting, as you can access and update your finances at any time (and from any place). The system also facilitates continuous reporting, with customisable reports that are generated instantly. Up-to-the-minute dashboards are fuelled by real-time data too, providing a quick snapshot of financial health (which in turn enables swift decision-making).