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How to make your HR simple

23/08/2023 minute read Hannah Hirst

Is your HR team struggling to find the time to focus on your organisation’s people? Are they too caught up in admin work to focus on HR strategy? Are you looking to give your team back the hours they spend on paperwork to empower them to do more for the people culture within your organisation?

If so, then read this article to find out why simple HR is so important, how it could impact your organisation, and how you can take steps to achieving easier HR processes.      

Why is simple HR important?

Making your HR processes as simple as possible can massively impact your HR team (and your organisation as a whole) for the better. By cutting down on unnecessary admin work and making your HR processes easier, you can save your HR team a lot of valuable time and resources, which can then be put to better use elsewhere.

By making processes more straightforward you are also reducing the chance of errors being made, and cutting down on the amount of stress you’re putting on HR teams. The real question is, why would you not try to make your HR as simple as possible? Why take 3 steps to get a result that you could get in 1?

What simple HR means for your people

By reducing the time spent on admin work your, HR teams can focus more on the bigger picture of people management in your organisation. This means they can strategize and carry out plans that can have a positive impact on people experience. This could be increasing employee engagement, allowing for better training and development opportunities, making a succession plan and filling skills gaps etc.

So whilst you are directly making a positive change to your HR team, this has a knock on effect across your whole organisation. By allowing HR to focus on people you can improve your employee experience, increasing engagement, which in turn leads to better performance and higher retention rates.

And reducing mistakes in HR processes means happier employees, as they do not need to start chasing up the HR team to sort out errors that could be made in relation to annual leave, pay and so on.

How can you achieve a simpler way of doing HR?

By having the technology in place to put the power back into the hands of the employees for basic HR processes, you can free up numerous hours of time for your HR team. Allowing employees to book and cancel annual leave, log sickness, update their personal details and so on makes a big difference in the world of HR.

These tasks take individuals a matter of minutes, but when a HR team is taking care of these processes for a whole organisation it can take up a huge amount of time. In general, employees also prefer to have the power to do these things themselves, so this is a win win situation.      

Ensuring your systems are synced up with one another can go a long way to making HR easier. If you’re inputting information into one platform for HR purposes, and then having to input that same information into another system for payroll purposes, you are wasting time, and increasing the risk of human error, instead of just getting things done. You should be empowered to get simple tasks done and pay your team accurately, with trust that you have easy access to accurate information, so that you can cross-collaborate and focus on strategy.

By integrating your people management software solutions, you can make processes easier and cut down on hours of unnecessary admin, saving your people time and ensuring more accurate data across the organisation, minimising mistakes and avoiding frustration across employees.

Don’t you wish your HR processes were, well, simple? Here at Advanced we are dedicated to providing simple and integrated people management software, which allows employees to take ownership of their day to day admin tasks, and cuts down on the amount of data inputting done by HR teams, so you can all do your best work. We want to empower organisations and their employees to trust their processes and know where to access their information.

You can find more information on how to make HR simpler at your organisation here, or if you know you're ready to take the next steps towards a more straightforward HR system then book a demo with us today.