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How software breeds confidence in cybersecurity

08/02/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

Cyberattacks are on the rise, and law firms are extremely vulnerable to this threat. In fact, the legal industry has become a favourite target for hackers, leading to concerns over business interruption, confidentiality breaches, reputational damage, and even financial loss. So how can you be confident in your cybersecurity measures and protect your firm from these threats?

The answer lies in the right software, and the legal sector is aware of the direct relationship between effective technology and increased cybersecurity. Thirty seven percent of legal professionals tell us that one of the benefits of the technology they use derives from the ability to work with confidence in a cybersecure environment. Discover the role of software in strengthening cybersecurity in law firms, and why using trusted providers for software is crucial in securing your firm.

Firstly, let's understand the threat landscape. The legal industry is a prime target for cyber-criminals due to the sensitive information handled by law firms. Client data, intellectual property, and financial information are all valuable targets for hackers. Almost a quarter of legal professionals say that cybersecurity is one of their top business challenges, and the bottom line is that firms cannot afford any complacency when it comes to cybersecurity.

However, one way to build confidence in cybersecurity is to use software with protection built in. Law firms handle a significant volume of data, and the right software can help automate routine processes, improve efficiency, and reduce reliance on paper-based records, thereby reducing the likelihood of data breaches. However, not all software is created equal. Using trusted providers for practice and case management, time recording, and document management systems is critical. Advanced invest in the latest security measures, keeping software updated to patch vulnerabilities, and provide support to clients in case of any security concerns.

Furthermore, the right software can also help law firms with data protection compliance. Regulatory requirements such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulate that firms must maintain adequate data protection measures which has led to 34% of the legal professionals surveyed to say data protection is a daily challenge. Advanced provides built-in compliance features to ensure law firms stay compliant with regulations. Moreover, our software facilitates secure collaboration with third-party partners, such as contractors or clients, who can help reduce the risks of data breaches arising from human error.

In addition to using the right software, law firms should also prioritize staff training and awareness. Cyber-criminals often use social engineering tactics such as "phishing" emails to gain unauthorized access to confidential data. Therefore, it's crucial for law firm employees to understand the risk of these types of attacks and how to recognize and report them. However, training sessions cannot always be enough. Investing in software that uses threat intelligence and provides ongoing monitoring can help detect unusual activity and alert law firm managers to potential risks.

The cybersecurity threats facing law firms are real and should not be taken lightly. However, law firms can build confidence in their cybersecurity measures by using the right software from trusted providers. Choosing software with in-built compliance, collaboration, and threat intelligence features can reduce the risk of data breaches and help detect unusual activity. Additionally, using software from trusted providers will help facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements and provide ongoing support in case of any security concerns.