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How an integrated practice and document management system keeps your files secure

12/06/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

When it comes to data and document security, law firms must prioritise confidentiality and compliance. An integrated practice and document management system (DMS) offers robust security measures, ensuring the protection of sensitive information. Let's explore how this integration helps keep your files secure while ensuring law firm compliance.

Maintaining a secure flow of information within your practice is vital. A DMS allows you to establish advanced user access controls based on zero trust or need-to-know principles. With granular access controls, you can add extra layers of protection to confidential documents without hindering authorised users' access to the data they need.

Ethical walls can be quickly established within the DMS for secure data and matter management. By integrating a separate DMS with your practice management system, you can implement more customised and secure access controls. Users who have access to matter details in the CMS won't automatically gain access to all associated documents.

Permissions can be set at the document level, providing full control over who can access specific documents and the type of access they have. This level of control ensures that users only have access to the necessary information and nothing more, enhancing both security and productivity.

Losing or exposing confidential data is a significant concern for law firms. Without a DMS, documents are vulnerable to risks. CMS-based document components often lack the rigorous security protocols required to safeguard a law firm's data. Integrating a DMS with your practice management solution offers stronger protection for your most sensitive information while allowing collaboration when necessary. The DMS provides granular user permissions, enabling you to restrict access on a need-to-know basis, minimising the chances of confidential documents falling into the wrong hands.

Additionally, the DMS employs robust built-in security measures, such as document-level encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and data loss prevention (DLP), to safeguard against ransomware and malicious actors. You can even enforce restrictions on actions like document sharing or printing for highly confidential documents. By leveraging these features, your files and your firm remain secure.

By integrating a practice and document management system, you can ensure the highest level of security for your files and comply with legal requirements. Protecting confidential information and maintaining compliance is of utmost importance in today's digital landscape. Embrace the power of integration to safeguard your firm's data, mitigate risks, and provide clients with the peace of mind they deserve.

An integration sponsored by both Advanced and NetDocuments

Advanced has been proud to work with document management specialists NetDocuments as a preferred partner for several years and was recently awarded EMEA Partner of the Year for 2022.

After a swell of demand for an integration between CMS and DMS systems, Advanced and NetDocuments recently announced that an integration between NetDocuments and P4W, built by integration specialists Xperate, is to be launched.

This integration is sponsored by Advanced and NetDocuments and is the only one of its kind that will benefit from system updates and support as both systems update throughout their lifecycles.

Managing Director for Legal and Education, Doug Hargrove says “We have a long standing relationship with NetDocuments and are pleased to answer our customers’ requests by bringing this integration to the market.  Advanced is delighted to be able to offer this exclusive service between the two products that other independent integrations cannot provide”. 

Register for our upcoming webinar in June to find out more about this integration. You can also read more about integrating your CMS and DMS systems by reading this whitepaper from NetDocuments.