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Governance: The ultimate tool for organisational success in 2023

23/06/2023 minute read Mark Dewell

In a world with so many external pressures and economic uncertainty, how can organisations not just keep afloat but continue to grow? It comes down to the ability to make the right decisions, at the right time, to enable success.

Leaders rarely dream about a solid approach to governance and decision making. However, of all their responsibilities, good governance, managing risk, and performance should be at the top of their agenda.

Decision making and good governance

The real motivation for implementing good governance should be the simple equation that good governance equals success. The best leaders understand risk and use it to their advantage, have a laser-like focus on their goals, and execute decisions based on the best available information.

Organisations that are committed to growth understand that they need to look to the less glamorous corners of their structures to ensure they can stay ahead of new regulations, political changes, and economic storms. It is time for leadership teams across all sectors to tighten up their governance and embrace the concepts of corporate responsibility and accountability.

There are many software tools and services available to assist in joined-up governance, but it is vital that these tools fit the task, are easy to roll-out, and support skilled managers in doing what they do best.

Finding the right tool with Decision Time 

Using the right tools can have a dramatic impact on alleviating common problems in the workplace, increasing productivity and efficiency, and reducing stress levels. They also drive better, bolder, and more-informed attitudes to managing risk.

Decision Time, an Advanced Company, began in 2003 with a goal to make it easier for leaders to practice good governance and manage the strategic performance of their organisations, by removing the barriers between people and technology. Born from this was a simple, user-friendly, easy to use and easy to deploy solution.

Many leadership teams who have embraced the Decision Time solution now say their lives have been enhanced, that their organisations perform better, and that the changes which they thought would be disruptive and destabilising, have happened quickly and painlessly.

The solution includes functionality that will improve your Meetings and Decision Making while helping you to manage your Risks, Controls, Objectives and Key results.

Paperless Meetings

Moving away from paper, clumsy file sharing, and email solutions to a dedicated digital meetings solution has immediate benefits. A number of financial services managers that we work with complained that organising monthly board meetings used to be a chore between preparing paperwork, circulating, and chasing up responses; but “because of the new [Decision Time] solutions we have adopted, the time spent on these has been vastly reduced and attention is now focused on more creative and developmental tasks.”

Transforming your risk register management 

Many organisations still manage their risk register from a spreadsheet or word document that is infrequently reviewed, poorly secured, difficult to follow, and an administrative chore. Moving to a live, embedded, integrated solution means that risk management can become a secure, strategic tool instead of a burden.

The administrative burden of governance will always be a consideration, but for increasing numbers of organisations this burden is being significantly lightened with Decision Time. Engagement, visibility, and responsiveness are among the features of good governance which are as easy to embrace as they are motivating and enriching. But equally as important are the less exciting attributes of transparency, equity, accountability, and compliance. Combining a solution like Decision Time with an enthusiastic leadership team, and a desire for improvement, immediately and dramatically enhances your whole organisation.

Increasing transparency and accountability

It’s time to embrace governance as a necessity and, much more importantly, as a highly effective strategic tool. Improving the overall accountability and transparency of your organisation will give you greater compliance, control over forecasting, risk, and budgeting, and create greater buy-in for corporate goals and strategic objectives.

All of this allows you to become a more proactive and scalable organisation, easily able to adapt to new regulations or logistical obstacles which, in turn, improves motivation, reliability, and satisfaction at work.

Want to learn more about how Decision Time could transform your organisation’s ability to deliver good governance? Get in touch today:

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