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FP&A: Why should you care?

14/06/2023 minute read Mark Dewell

In the ever-evolving business landscape, organisations need a strategic approach to financial management that goes beyond traditional accounting. This is where Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) steps in. FP&A is a critical function that combines financial expertise with analytical insights to support decision-making, budgeting, forecasting, and performance analysis.

In this article, we’ll explore what FP&A entails, its benefits, and strategies for improving FP&A processes. Additionally, we’ll delve into the skills of an effective finance team and highlight some innovative developments within the field.

What goes into FP&A?

To understand FP&A, let us dive into a typical financial planning and analysis process. It usually begins with gathering and analysing historical financial data to identify trends/patterns.

Using this information, forecasts and budgets are developed to estimate future financial performance. Throughout the planning period, finance professionals monitor actual performance, compare it to forecasts, and analyse variances to provide insights and recommendations to senior figures. 

It plays a pivotal role in driving strategic decision-making and ensuring the financial wellbeing and performance of a company. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of a typical FP&A process:

1. Establishing the planning framework

  • Clearly define the objectives and scope of the FP&A process
  • Determine the time horizon and frequency of planning activities, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually
  • Identify key stakeholders and their respective roles in the process

2. Gathering relevant data

  • Collect financial and non-financial data from diverse sources, including historical financial statements, market data, and operational metrics
  • Ensure data integrity and accuracy through rigorous validation and reconciliation processes
  • Consolidate the collected data to create a comprehensive dataset for analysis

3. Developing the budget and forecast

  • Analyse historical data and market trends to identify patterns and glean insights
  • Collaborate closely with business units and departments to gather input and assumptions for budgeting and forecasting
  • Leverage financial models and tools to project future financial performance based on different scenarios and assumptions

4. Conducting variance analysis

  • Compare actual financial results with the planned budget and forecast
  • Identify and analyse the reasons behind variances between the projected and actual performance
  • Communicate the findings to relevant stakeholders and propose corrective actions if necessary

5. Financial reporting and presentation

  • Prepare comprehensive financial reports, encompassing income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements
  • Create intuitive visualisations and dashboards to effectively communicate financial performance to management and stakeholders
  • Present the financial analysis, insights, and recommendations to support strategic decision-making

FP&A is an iterative process that adapts to the changing needs and dynamics of the organisation. It serves as a vital function that bridges financial data, analysis, and strategic decision-making, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the company.

The benefits of a robust FP&A process

Effective FP&A provides a clear understanding of financial performance, enables effective resource allocation, facilitates decision-making, and supports strategic planning. Managers can also optimise their budgeting and forecasting accuracy while boosting their risk management capabilities and having a bigger impact on financial outcomes. Here are some of the other main benefits:

Improved decision-making

By providing insights into the business’s financial performance, FP&A can help managers to make better decisions around pricing and other strategic initiatives.

Increased efficiency

By streamlining the budgeting and forecasting process, it helps companies to save time and money.

Enhanced visibility

By providing a clear picture of financial health, it can help managers to identify potential risks and opportunities.

Improved compliance

By ensuring the organisation is compliant with financial regulations, FP&A can help to safeguard against fines and penalties.

Increased transparency

By providing stakeholders with access to financial information, you can help to build trust and confidence within the culture.

What solutions can you use for FP&A?

Facilitating FP&A best practices can be done with a wide range of tools. Cutting-edge financial planning software solutions, data analytics platforms, and business intelligence tools can streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting.

They provide real-time insights, enable scenario planning, and enhance collaboration among cross-functional teams. Here are some commonly utilised solutions in the FP&A realm:

Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) software

EPM software offers comprehensive functionality for financial planning, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. These solutions incorporate features like data consolidation, scenario modelling, and profitability analysis capabilities. By implementing EPM software, organisations can streamline their FP&A processes, enhance accuracy, and foster collaboration among teams.

Advanced analytics and predictive modelling

Advanced analytics and predictive modelling tools leverage statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyse historical data and generate future predictions. These tools aid in forecasting financial outcomes, identifying trends, and performing scenario analysis. By harnessing these tools, finance teams can gain deeper and more accurate insights.

Integrated financial planning platforms

Integrated financial planning platforms consolidate various FP&A processes and modules into a unified system. These platforms typically encompass budgeting, forecasting, financial consolidation, and reporting functionalities. They provide a holistic view of financial data and facilitate alignment between financial plans and business objectives.

Cloud-based FP&A solutions

Cloud-based FP&A solutions offer flexibility, scalability, and accessibility for finance teams. These solutions enable centralised data storage and real time reporting. Cloud-based solutions also facilitate seamless data integration across systems and provide the capability to access financial information remotely, facilitating effective collaboration among distributed teams.

What an effective FP&A team looks like

In the quickly changing business world, the role of effective Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) is pivotal for driving strategic decision-making, ensuring financial stability, and fostering sustainable growth. A high-performing finance team goes beyond mere number-crunching; it becomes a trusted partner to the organisation, offering invaluable insights and bolstering operational efficiency. Here are some of the essential attributes for employees in the FP&A team:

  • Strategic focus

An effective FP&A team transcends traditional financial reporting. It actively contributes to strategic planning by collaborating with business leaders to align financial objectives with broader organisational goals. Through meticulous analysis of market trends, identification of growth opportunities, and comprehensive scenario evaluation, the team provides forward-thinking insights.

  • Data-driven decision-making

A successful FP&A team harnesses robust financial and non-financial data to generate actionable insights. By leveraging advanced analytical tools and techniques, they extract, interpret, and visualise data, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions. Through the utilisation of predictive modelling and forecasting methodologies, the team anticipates risks, optimises resource allocation, and drives performance improvements.

  • Cross-functional collaboration

Collaboration lies at the heart of an effective FP&A team. It forges strong partnerships with various departments such as operations, sales, and marketing, to gather insights, validate assumptions, and develop comprehensive financial forecasts. By fostering effective communication and actively engaging stakeholders, the team ensures that financial plans align seamlessly with operational realities.

  • Continuous improvement

Embracing a culture of continuous improvement is vital for an effective FP&A team. Proactively seeking opportunities to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and automate routine tasks, they free up valuable time for value-added analysis. By staying abreast of emerging technologies and industry best practices, the team leverages innovative tools and methodologies to drive process optimisation and deliver actionable recommendations.

  • Business acumen and communication skills

Beyond technical expertise, an effective FP&A team possesses strong business acumen and exceptional communication skills. They adeptly translate complex financial concepts into easily digestible insights for non-financial stakeholders. Through clear and concise presentation of information, the team facilitates meaningful discussions, builds trust, and influences all levels of the organisation.

How FP&A might change

The world of FP&A is constantly evolving, and new developments and innovations continue to shape the field. For instance, predictive analytics and machine learning techniques are increasingly used to enhance forecasting accuracy and identify emerging trends. Integrated planning approaches are gaining popularity, where financial plans are linked to operational plans, enabling companies to align financial objectives with strategic initiatives.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is also changing the finance sector in radical ways. A recent BARC (Business Application Research Centre) study about predictive planning reported that, in just two years, the use of predictive planning technology in the corporate world had increased from 4% in 2020 to 27% in 2022 (a 6x increase).

In terms of fraud detection, AI can be used to identify fraudulent transactions by analysing patterns of behaviour. It can also be used to identify customers who are making multiple small purchases in a brief period of time (a common sign of fraud).

With regards to risk management, AI can be used to assess risk by analysing substantial amounts of data. For example, it can identify customers who are at a higher risk of defaulting on their loans. This powerful tool will continually transform a wide range of financial processes and help with the management of supply chains.

Using Advanced Financials to improve your FP&A process

FP&A plays a vital role in driving organisational success. By understanding and optimising this process, finance teams and businesses alike can gain a competitive edge.

Investing in the right tools such as financial management systems will help finance teams to create a more cohesive and complete financial picture, allowing them to plan in a more secure and compliant way.

Staying on top of FP&A developments empowers companies to navigate the complex economic landscape and achieve long-term business growth. If you’re looking for innovative tools that will keep you ahead of the curve, be sure to check out our Advanced Financials accounting software.