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Document management: Beyond the basics

07/09/2022 minute read OneAdvanced PR

If you were asked to describe how ‘document management’ can help you, what would you say?

When discussing document management with clients and prospective clients, many can recite the core principles and facets of it, but not what document management is able to open up beyond that.

A document management system allows for the electronic filing of documents and emails into a virtual electronic filing cabinet from where they can be easily searched and retrieved, but that’s document management 101.

What’s really powerful are the things beyond that that become possible when paper filing is eliminated, and the physical is transformed into the digital. This short article is about what can be achieved when you start to realize the opportunities beyond the core facets. 


First off, document management enables collaboration – either in real time or individuals can work on files at their own pace. Individuals can mark-up, comment on or annotate shared documents and those are then layered as films of information, so the latest version is always on top, and the system always maintains version control for a ’single version of the truth’.   

This lets colleagues work seamlessly together, even when they are apart. Eliminating a lot of ‘back and forth’ emails and speeds up how quickly contracts and agreements can be drawn up.

Clients can be invited into the process as well – a real plus when it comes to opening up the service as part of the digital marketplace we are now in. Clients are no longer left wondering what is happening to their matter and forced to call for updates.

On the contrary, they are empowered not only to check-in on their matter’s progress, but also to participate in it. Moreover, clients experience transparency around how their work is being handled and delivered, deepening their trust in your firm.

Data security

An extremely important facet of document management is to give you and your clients assurance of an exceptionally high standard of data security. Part of that is because with everything filed away digitally in one place, it is easily attainable and easier to secure.

When people are sharing documents and collaborating within folders it tends to reduce the number of emails flying back and forth, which again reduces the risk of data security breaches.  

Most compellingly of all, though, document management system providers are required to institute the highest levels of data security. NetDocuments has many global professional services and financial services institutions as clients. It provides advanced data encryption, off-site back-ups and compliance certifications as standard. The ongoing investment made in data security is exponentially higher than that which any individual firm, no matter how large, could possibly afford.  

In today’s world it’s hugely useful to firms that their provider takes care of data security. Especially since there’s clear evidence that cybercriminals target law firms because they are understood to be the weak link in the information security chain. Document management takes the pressure and cost of data security provision off the firm’s hands and puts it into the hands of specialists.

Matter-centric filing

A document management system can host documents and related emails for any given matter, but it can also integrate ancillary applications and information like task-lists, timekeeping, project management, financials, and case calendars.

This elevates the speed and efficiency with which matters are handled and provides a 360-degree view of the matter at the fingertips of the professionals.  

Furthermore, this single matter-centric space can be moved onto a business communications platform like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. This enables anytime, anywhere conversations with your clients in which all the elements - the latest tasks, versions and comments - are immediately to hand. Collaboration is turbo-charged, and this functionality again enhances the client experience and the firm’s reputation.

About NetDocuments

You can trust NetDocuments to remove the barriers to efficient document management and transform your documents into an efficiency engine for collaboration, productivity, and growth – without limitations or restrictions.

With NetDocuments you get market-leading features in a document management solution, including:

  • 24/7 access from anywhere
  • Security and compliance through the Cloud
  • Business transparency with NetDocuments Analytics
  • Customisable flexibility with purpose-built add-ons
  • Scalability through open APIs and integrations with multiple applications

As a NetDocuments worldwide Platinum Partner, Advanced are accredited to deliver, train, and support NetDocuments. As a first step, we will advise and support you in selecting the document management functions that can deliver exactly what you need.

Following implementation, our training team can deliver tailored onsite, remote, or online training sessions to ensure smooth user adoption. And you will always have access to our ISO-accredited support team who are available 24/7/365 to ensure on-going ease and efficiency.