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Summertime supply chain: How software can help

19/06/2024 minute read OneAdvanced PR

As summer reaches the UK, it comes with its own challenges for logistics firms. Many of these have long been annual issues for the industry. However, there might now be digital solutions to make operations and people managers’ lives easier. This summer, think outside the box about how software can help you thrive.  

Summer challenge: Transport constraints  

Summer sees traffic increasing. Last year, traffic experts INRIX predicted that levels around the busiest holiday getaway weekends could reach 30 per cent above average. This has significant impact for logistics companies operating road freight networks, especially as key import spots like Dover are already suffering extremely high levels of traffic 

Software solution: Route optimisation  

Route optimisation tools have long been a staple of logistics planning, but their newest iteration is AI-powered and available as Software as a Service (SaaS). Take Walmart’s latest technology, which is now available to purchase and optimises driving routes. AI can learn from past patterns to predict routes more effectively, in the moment – working in real time to make new calculations based off incoming driver, weather and traffic data. 

Summer challenge:  Unpredictable demand  

Warmer weather inspired a boost in retail sales of 0.3 per cent last year in May – a seemingly small number, that nevertheless has a huge effect on logistics firms. As shops seek to restock their shelves, the freight companies must ramp up operations – and conversely, must cost-effectively scale down in the event of worse weather and therefore lower sales than expected. In the changeable UK weather, it is very difficult to predict in advance how much resource will be needed.  

Software solution: Automatic rostering  

Fluctuating demand means changing workforce patterns – often at the last minute! Automatic rostering software can help: it can automatically create schedules for your people in one click, scheduling ‘on the fly’ to meet emergency requirements. Using software reduces the chance of errors when you are quickly putting together a new plan – for example, with the right solution, you will get a notification if a shift is in danger of exceeding budget. You can also make sure that the right skills are in place for each shift, even when making last-minute adjustments.  

Summer challenge: Staff absences  

The school holidays mean far more staff members taking holiday – with unplanned staff absences also often spiking after bank holidays.  Absenteeism can also rise due to summer flus, heat strokes, sunburn and hayfever – and there is an increased amount of phoning in sick around sporting events, which this year include the Euros and the Olympics. This can leave logistics managers high and dry, without the requisite people to power their fleets. 

Software solution: Time and Attendance software  

People managers need the ability to see and report on trends to help identify – and then deal with – problem areas. Time and Attendance software helps you track absences, to identify if any staff members are in need of particular attention when it comes to unplanned absences over the summer. It will also help you learn from the previous season, seeing if there are any specific time frames when summer holidays are most likely to be taken and planning to recruit extra cover over these periods. You can restrict the number of employees that can be absent during a particular time period, and allow employees to advertise when they are available for overtime, to help plug the gap with willing workers.   

Summer comes with both opportunities and challenges for logistics companies. Consider investing in software solutions that can help you rise to the occasion – building in adaptability and learning from past patterns.