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BPA drives member service engagement with Advanced ConsultCRM

07/04/2015 minute read Mark Dewell

The British Parking Association (BPA) has transformed member services and case management after implementing Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The solution was deployed by Advanced ConsultCRM (Advanced), part of Advanced Business Solutions to consolidate the BPA’s membership databases, manage compliance investigations and improve the effectiveness of its communications.

CRM is integrated with the BPA’s website and Click Dimensions, a marketing automation tool with e-marketing, web analytics and campaign management functionality. The solution has enabled the BPA to increase its understanding of website visitor requirements and direct them to content which is closely related to their area of interest.

The BPA is Europe’s largest professional parking association and the recognised authority on the sector. The organisation represents and influences the interests of 720 members. These include private car park operators, manufacturers, suppliers and local authorities. The organisation manages motorists’ appeals against parking charge notices and ensures its members adhere to the profession’s stringent code of practice.

The BPA previously held member information in three separate databases. A lack of integration between them meant that any company updates had to be made in triplicate, a time consuming process that was prone to human error.

Aimee Bates, Office Services Coordinator (Technical), British Parking Association comments: “Since deploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we have centralised all information within a single system. Updates only need to be made once and reduced data entry has saved our teams a substantial amount of work and time. We have also automated many tasks, such as scheduling telephone calls to new members. This has lessened our workload and ensures that important activities are not overlooked.

“The solution is also key to managing compliance investigations, enabling us to record a complete audit trail of case information, from initial correspondence through to investigation and resolution. The system is critical to us and the services we provide to members of the public.”

Integrating Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Click Dimensions with the BPA’s website has improved the effectiveness of communications, enabling BPA teams to manage campaigns and analyse responses.

Teams can see who has opened and viewed e-shots and then clicked to access related content on the organisation’s website. This information is recorded against appropriate member records and follow up activities can be scheduled automatically.

Bates adds: 

“Web tracking enables us to see who is interested in our services and understand their area of interest. Information requests and downloads are recorded against records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and this means we can track a visitor’s journey and offer them relevant content. This detailed intelligence is key to improving communications and also evaluating the effectiveness of our campaigning, via in-depth reporting.”

Microsoft Dynamics CRM includes reporting functionality which provides the BPA’s management team with visibility across the organisation. This is key to ensuring service level targets are met and also forms the basis for strategic decision making. The solution includes workflow features that enable reports to be tailored to a manager’s needs quickly and simply.  

“We chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM because it is particularly easy to use and customise. The support and training we have received from Advanced is excellent. When a user requires a new field or is looking to extract specific information from the system, I can now help them with their request without the need for technical help from the team at Advanced,” Bates concludes.  

Advanced ConsultCRM recently joined the prestigious Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle following outstanding performance. The Inner Circle is an elite group of Microsoft partners with sales and service achievements that rank them in the highest echelon of the Microsoft Dynamics global partner network. All members of the Inner Circle have performed to a high standard of excellence by delivering valuable solutions that help organisations achieve increased success.