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Artificial + human intelligence: A perfect duo for current workplace challenges

26/10/2023 minute read OneAdvanced PR

As organisations embark on a new era, talent attraction and retention emerge as their foremost concern. The pandemic and its lasting impact have significantly strained the employer-employee relationship across all levels. The shift towards remote and hybrid work models, combined with heightened burnout concerns, have sparked phenomena such as the Great Resignation and quiet quitting. Furthermore, the scarcity of digital-age skills complicates recruitment and retention efforts, leaving employers and employees disconnected.

In this tough situation, how should organisations navigate? What immediate steps can they take to handle talent acquisition and retention, while also addressing crucial matters like growth, development, and cybersecurity? Let's find out!

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Unlocking the path to success

Undoubtedly, AI is one of the emerging technologies that has the power to enhance productivity and efficiency within organisations. By empowering and engaging employees, it can boost retention rates, attract top talent, and drive profitability. It's no surprise that a significant number of British businesses, 29%, have already integrated AI into their daily operations, with another 41% planning to do so shortly.

However, as AI becomes more advanced and prevalent, concerns about its potential dangers grow louder. From job displacement to security and privacy concerns, AI poses significant challenges that cannot be overlooked. This is why some organisations are cautious about embracing AI. Our recent research found that 33% of organisations are worried about the risks associated with AI, while 24% are seeking assistance and guidance.

So, how to make AI more responsible and ethical? - a major concern for all technology providers worldwide.

At Advanced, we believe in striking a balance between high-tech innovation and human-centred thinking. Rather than replacing humans, we view AI as a valuable co-pilot that enhances human capabilities, making their jobs easier and more fulfilling, while helping businesses achieve their objectives. We aim to build AI solutions that create better working experiences, enhance customer interaction, and build organisations that positively contribute to the economy and the world.

With that thought, we surveyed 6,605 decision-makers in the UK and prepared a report which includes insights into how professionals perceive technology in the workplace. Click here to download our latest Annual Trends Report.