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Five Concerns That Hold Legal Teams Back From Technological AdvancementIn this blog we tackle some of the common concerns in-house legal teams have about introducing new technology to their day-to-day activities, and look at how moving to the Cloud can help: 1. Cost In a survey we conducted with over 1,000 senior decision-makers, almost half of those surveyed (46%), stated that cost will hold their organisation back from modernising business processes and systems. In-house legal teams may be under pressure to find smarter ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs, while still providing robust legal services to the business and supporting overall corporate strategy. Because of the nature of the Cloud’s flexibility, it offers models that allow for easy scaling up or down of costs which can be more affordable than on-site technological solutions. With a Document management System (DMS) your team saves on costs by having all data available in one location accessible by all, which in turn reduces costs such as printing, replacing lost files, photocopying and more. 2. Cybercrime The highly sensitive personal data that is contained in legal documents makes them a prime target for criminals, hence the need to reduce the risks of these falling into the wrong hands. The superior, state-of-the-art security used for Cloud-based data storage are vital for customer confidence. This protects customers and businesses from potentially disastrous and expensive data breaches. Erasure coding separates data and holds it in different locations, completely preventing illegal access to information, even in the unlikely case that a server is compromised. Cloud server owners invest heavily in state-of-the-art security features that are far superior to legacy, on-premise systems. 3. Disruption One of the biggest benefits of a digital solution is that data can be migrated to new systems without any need for disruption, all data can be live and ready to go on day one of the new Cloud-based system. In addition to this, solution providers also offer effective staff training to make sure everyone is getting the most out of the new, user-friendly and intuitive systems, with ongoing support when needed. 4. Fear of change Transformation is essential in order to stay competitive; the pandemic has already highlighted the gulf between digital adopters and those still using legacy systems. But change doesn’t have to be daunting, nor does the initiation of new processes have to happen collectively and overnight. Each person who is added to a new Cloud system gets a login and access to an internet-linked browser and can start using the software immediately. Users can be added or subtracted flexibly in line with business growth, putting the pace of change in your hands. 5. Complexity New systems often bring about worries of complexity. Fears such as, how easy will it be for staff to learn a new system? What if it's more complicated than the existing one? With a growing awareness and increased value of user experience and interface, software developers place ease of navigation and learning at the forefront of development. This ensures systems are as intuitive as possible while still delivering the services promised. In addition to this, Cloud-based digital solutions are available for almost every operational area and specialism. Before committing to a system, check the provider’s APIs and list of partners for easy integration with existing systems. To learn more about why Cloud-based Document Management Systems are great for your department click here

15/07/2021 minute read Doug Hargrove

In this blog we tackle some of the common concerns in-house legal teams have about introducing new technology to their day-to-day activities, and look at how moving to the Cloud can help:

1.    Cost

In a survey we conducted with over 1,000 senior decision-makers, almost half of those surveyed (46%), stated that cost will hold their organisation back from modernising business processes and systems. In-house legal teams may be under pressure to find smarter ways to increase efficiency and reduce costs, while still providing robust legal services to the business and supporting overall corporate strategy. Because of the nature of the Cloud’s flexibility, it offers models that allow for easy scaling up or down of costs which can be more affordable than on-site technological solutions. With a Document management System (DMS) your team saves on costs by having all data available in one location accessible by all, which in turn reduces costs such as printing, replacing lost files, photocopying and more.

2.    Cybercrime

The highly sensitive personal data that is contained in legal documents makes them a prime target for criminals, hence the need to reduce the risks of these falling into the wrong hands. The superior, state-of-the-art security used for Cloud-based data storage are vital for customer confidence. This protects customers and businesses from potentially disastrous and expensive data breaches. Erasure coding separates data and holds it in different locations, completely preventing illegal access to information, even in the unlikely case that a server is compromised. Cloud server owners invest heavily in state-of-the-art security features that are far superior to legacy, on-premise systems.

3.    Disruption

One of the biggest benefits of a digital solution is that data can be migrated to new systems without any need for disruption, all data can be live and ready to go on day one of the new Cloud-based system. In addition to this, solution providers also offer effective staff training to make sure everyone is getting the most out of the new, user-friendly and intuitive systems, with ongoing support when needed.

4.    Fear of change

Transformation is essential in order to stay competitive; the pandemic has already highlighted the gulf between digital adopters and those still using legacy systems. But change doesn’t have to be daunting, nor does the initiation of new processes have to happen collectively and overnight. Each person who is added to a new Cloud system gets a login and access to an internet-linked browser and can start using the software immediately. Users can be added or subtracted flexibly in line with business growth, putting the pace of change in your hands.

5.    Complexity

New systems often bring about worries of complexity. Fears such as, how easy will it be for staff to learn a new system? What if it's more complicated than the existing one? With a growing awareness and increased value of user experience and interface, software developers place ease of navigation and learning at the forefront of development. This ensures systems are as intuitive as possible while still delivering the services promised. In addition to this, Cloud-based digital solutions are available for almost every operational area and specialism. Before committing to a system, check the provider’s APIs and list of partners for easy integration with existing systems.


To learn more about why Cloud-based Document Management Systems are great for your department click here