Performance Management Software that puts people first

Try our free performance management software demo and learn why our satisfied customers use Advanced Clear Review to improve productivity and engagement.

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An employee focussed performance management platform

Advanced Clear Review is a platform designed to make employee performance management simple for everyone involved. We believe this is important, as great performance management leads to engaged employees, and the more engaged someone is, the better they perform and the happier they’ll be at work!

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sage publishing
Brown and Caldwell Logo
Southwest Autism Logo
ted baker logo


Pieces of Feedback Given


Active users


Objectives set

Employee Performance Reviews


Advanced Clear Review is an intuitive employee performance management system that helps businesses transform their employee experience and create a high-performance company culture.

This all-in-one platform allows employees to set and track clear, agile goals, encourages regular conversations between management and employees and provides team members with the opportunity to give and receive real-time feedback.

Improve communication, engagement and wellbeing, resulting in a happier, more productive workforce.

“Clear Review really stood out to us because of its ease of use from an employee and manager perspective, but also because of its functionality from a HR and admin point of view.” Sophie Hughes, Head of Learning and Development, SAGE Publishing

Clear review performance management software in use

Real - Time Feedback


Manager Screenshot



Advanced Clear Review allows for employees to give and receive feedback in real time, enabling recognition for a job well done, and a way of giving pointers on where someone could improve in the future.

“The feedback functionality within Advanced Clear Review was initially the element I personally was most excited about, given the potential impact on engagement that this kind of recognition could bring". Gary Beggs, Development Partner, Ted Baker

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Frequent Conversations




The platform also encourages frequent one to one check-ins between managers and their team, allowing progress to be tracked, blockers to be addressed, and support to be given so burnout is reduced.

"Using Advanced Clear Review means I can be sure that all employees across the company are being supported with one to one check-ins with their managers." Devon Graham, Director of Human Resources, SARRC

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Conversations Screenshot

Agile Goals


Objectives Screenshot



With Advanced Clear Review employees will be given short term goals, rather than annual objectives, which increases motivation and ensures employees are aligned to organizational objectives, even if these change throughout the year.

“It really helps all of our team members know how they can manage their own development, and that of any direct reports they might have”. Greg Alan, Director of Organizational Development, SAGE Publishing

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Top rated by our customers

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I do employee appraisals when using a continuous performance management tool?

    Annual appraisals are a thing of the past, instead managers and HR can use all of the information gathered in Clear Review from months of check-ins, goal progress, feedback etc. to create a snap shot of employee’s performance whenever they want to do an employee performance review.

  • Are once a month check-ins really necessary?

    Continuous employee performance management is all about meaningful and frequent communication. Without dedicated time to talk to a manager people may struggle in silence and performance might start to drop, so leaving more than a few weeks between check-ins could be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve with a continuous model.    

  • Why should we encourage employees to give feedback?

    Many managers will not work sitting next to their entire team, observing everything they do. By having employees give feedback to one another, managers are able to get a much more rounded view of performance which helps them when it comes to creating snapshots for employee performance evaluations.