Payroll Software

Say Yes to transforming the way you run payroll and ensure accuracy and compliance throughout each and every pay cycle with Advanced's HMRC recognised payroll software.

Flexipay payroll software in use on laptop


Payroll is a crucial operation but too many organisations find themselves languishing with clunky payroll systems.

Our payroll software, Advanced Payroll, offers you the framework you need to say yes to creating an accurate, compliant and efficient payroll experience with each and every pay cycle. Real time calculations, super speed processing and intuitive reporting come together to ensure that you have the visibility and control you need.

We provide payroll software to solve your key issues

Our payroll software is designed to solve the challenges that payroll teams face.

  • Payroll inaccuracies caused by human error

    Manual processes are error prone as there is no built-in mechanism to prevent mistakes. The smallest change to employee's information becomes subject to payroll inaccuracy. Say Yes to getting it right first time, every time.


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  • Time-consuming manual processes

    How many hours and resources have you seen wasted each pay period with manual entries, navigating spreadsheets and transferring data between systems? Lack of system automation limits payroll teams every day and prevents them from achieving the full scope of their roles. Say yes to becoming pioneers, not task robots.


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  • Burden of constant payroll legislation changes

    Payroll teams must stay up to date with the demands of ever-changing employment and payroll legislation to ensure their payroll stays compliant and accurate. Say yes to being compliant all of the time.


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  • Lack of reporting capabilities 

    Salaries are often a company’s biggest cost, meaning it’s vital for finance teams to be able to report and analyse payroll data and its impact on the bottom line. Say yes to having access to the information you need, when you need it. 


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  • Supporting financial wellbeing

    It is estimated that employee financial problems cost businesses 4% of productivity. Your payroll software should serve as the ideal foundation for being able to say yes to driving forward positive discussion and action around employee financial wellbeing.


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Key capabilities of our payroll software

Pay on demandadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Gross to net calculatoradvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Costing and nominal moduleadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

P11D managementadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Back payadvanced_icon_ticks.svg

Optimised remote workingadvanced_icon_ticks.svg


Statutory and occupational sick payadvanced_icon_ticks.svg



More than just Payroll Software

Find out more about the powerful features that sit within Advanced Payroll

Learn how Advanced Payroll can help your business



Who succeeds with us

McCain logo
Yearsley group logo


"Working with Advanced is like a partnership. It’s a perfect example of developing a good long-standing relationship through offering a reliable and agile payroll system and merging it with an excellent customer experience and support."

— Steve Donoghue, Payroll Manager

McCain foods


“Another huge benefit of Advanced Payroll is the function of automated reporting for managers to assess absence records, for instance, enabling managers to save further time on creating and populating reports and spend more time on their daily duties.”

— Stuart Carroll, Payroll and Systems Manager

Yearsley group


Welcoming you onboard



Starting your journey

1 day


We get a better understanding of you and your business to drive your Onboarding experience towards success with our payroll system.

Understanding your challenges

1 week


We build a plan of action for your journey to Go-live with due dates and owners.

Planning your journey

2 months


We provide the action plan to get you ready to adopt Advanced Payroll.

On the road to go live


Congratulations you’re live! This is where our Customer Success program really kicks in to provide you more value and make sure you are maximising your chances of reaching your goals.

Take a look at our other products and services, such as our HR Software.


Payroll resources that help you transform

Featured payroll resources for you


Advanced Payroll Brochure

Advanced Payroll goes above and beyond industry standards for payroll software. Download the brochure to find out more.

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Choosing a payroll system that's fit for the future 

This guide will give you an overview of payroll software and the key factors you need to consider when purchasing a new system.

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A business case for investing in modern payroll technology

Don’t let your legacy systems hold you back from achieving payroll excellence. In this guide we’ll take a look at the demands placed upon organisations by modern payroll requirements.

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Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

21 Aug 2023 by Hannah Hirst, Content Executive, Advanced

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

06 Mar 2023 by Julie Lock, Commercial Director

Perfect payroll doesn’t end with your payroll software

We can all agree payroll is a pretty crucial element of your organisation right? After all, the ability to pay your people accurately and on time is a top priority and undoubtedly a cornerstone of your employee rewards and well-being schemes.

Read blog 

7 July 2023, by Nick Gallimore, MD of People Management


Transform your Payroll function with Advanced Payroll

Say Yes to building the framework you need to create an accurate, compliant and efficient payroll experience with each and every pay cycle.

Call us at

0330 343 8000