HR Software

We help HR teams remove complexity and enable them to do their best work with simple to use HR software.

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A UI image of the ClearReview software screen.


The HR system that makes core HR processes simpler to get done and easier to get right

Our HR management system, Advanced HR, is designed to help people teams get the basics in HR done right. Our easy to use solution ensure HR teams have access to reliable people data, automated processes and simple self-serve capabilities to drive success.

“Advanced HR has been a huge benefit for us. It is so easy for staff to access and use the system – booking annual leave and being able to see your team’s diary has never been easier.”

Jessica Lucas, HR, Burnley Football Club

Key capabilities of our HR software

  • Employee Data Management
  • Document Management
  • Fleet Management
  • Absence Management
  • Reporting
  • Payroll & Payslips Integration
  • Mobile
  • My Workplace
  • Accessibility focused

We understand and solve your key issues

We build products that are designed to solve our customers' key challenges.


Making HR processes simple to get done and easy to get right

Find out more about the powerful features which sit within our HR software

Employee Data Management

Take a closer look at the employee data management functionality within Advanced’s HR software.

Employee data management sits at the core of Advanced HR. Getting employee data right is absolutely critical for HR teams. Complete accuracy and visibility of information is crucial to operate successfully and drive an effective people management strategy.

Personnel Records

Empower your employees with simple, easy to use personnel record capabilities.

  • Personnel Records
    • Employees can update their personal information such as address and contact details
    • Managers and individuals can view salary information on their teams and themselves
    • HR teams can get a consolidated view of employees across departments, length of service, job role and much more
Employee details feature on advancedhr

Organisation Charts

Get a complete view of employees across your organisation, tracking headcount across departments and having a single source of the truth.

  • Applets
    • One single view of your people across the whole business, broken down into departments and small teams
    • Map out and understand the structure of your organisation
    • Accurate view of managers and reporting lines
Organisation chart feature on advancedhr

User Profiles and Data Access Control

Teams have the ability to control information and data so it is only accessible to the appropriate members of the HR team and managers.

  • User Profiles and Data Access Control
    • Customisable settings with controls owned by core members of the HR division
    • Data is kept confidential and under control but also accessible
    • Restrictions on editing staff profiles and information
User profile feature on advancedhr

Self-serve HR Software

It’s not just HR teams the benefit from having access to employee data In one place, it also gives employees and managers the ability so self-serve completion of tasks, access to information and more.

  • User Profiles and Data Access Control
    • Manage basic processes quickly and easily within the system
    • Quickly approve or decline team requests
    • Allow employees to self serve information rather than asking HR
Self serve feature on advancedhr

Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

When new employees join the business their information is fed into Advanced HR for their entire employee lifecycle.

  • Employee Onboarding and Offboarding
    • From hire to retire, get one clear view of your people data
    • One version of the truth with all individual details located in one place
    • Central location for all personnel details including training records, personal information, salary information, benefits information and more
employee onboarding and offboarding feature on advancedhr

Document Management

Take a closer look at the document storage functionality available within Advanced HR.

Having one central place for important documentation storing sensitive information on your people and your policies is crucial. With Advanced HR, you have peace of mind that the latest versions of documents are stored in an easily accessible place.

Document Management

Store important employee documents and HR policies within Advanced HR, making it a central repository for all the latest, accurate files.

  • Document Management
    • Manage the entire lifecycle of employee documents in one place
    • Store employment contracts, codes of conduct, policies and more can be stored
    • Ensure controlled access to information with accessibility options depending on role
    • Cloud-based document storage means the latest and most up to date versions of documents are available, with records of modification
Document management feature with Advanced HR employee management software

Fleet Management

Take a closer look at the Fleet Management functionality within Advanced HR.

Organise vehicles across the organisation, track allocation and where requirements may be.

Fleet Management

Improve visibility and efficiency around fleet management with Advanced HR.

  • Fleet Management
    • Easily understand which employees need vehicles based on their job role
    • Make sure documentation around vehicles is up to date and correct
    • Track details of which vehicle is assigned to which employee

Absence Management

Take a closer look at the absence management functionality available within Advanced HR.

Absence Management

Enable self-serve for employees and visibility for managers with built in absence management capabilities.

  • Absence Management
    • Employees can book annual leave, compassionate leave, time off in lieu and more as well as log sickness
    • Managers can approve and decline leave requests, as well as see a view of their team’s upcoming time off
    • Employees can view remaining leave for an allocated time period
absence management feature on advancedhr


Take a closer look at the reporting functionality available within Advanced HR

Track turnover and stability

Get insights into turnover in specific teams and departments to help you predict why and when employee churn may occur, before it happens.

  • Track turnover and stability
    • Plan for potential high points of churn
    • Review average lengths of service in departments
    • Track trends and plan accordingly
track turnover and stability feature on advancedhr

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Reporting

Get a complete picture of your organisational make up.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Reporting
    • Report on a range of diversity metrics at an organisation level, through departments and at a leadership level
    • Understand areas which need to be improved or worked on to create a more diverse ad inclusive organisation
    • Use Advanced HR to assist with regulations such as gender pay gap reporting
diversity and equity reporting feature on advancedhr

Attendance and absence reporting

View trends in absences across your organisation to help plan ahead.

  • Attendance and absence reporting
    • See when most employees tend to take annual leave so you can plan ahead for gaps in your workforce which may occur during certain times of the year
    • View where there may be gaps in teams due to long term sickness leave, maternity and paternity leave and more
    • Track leave allocation by organisation, departments and smaller teams to ensure employees are taking the time out they need
attendance and absence reporting feature on advancedhr


Use Advanced HR to report on employee compensation.

  • Compensation
    • Understand salary information across teams, departments and the org as a whole
    • Report on a wide range of demographics to track trends in compensation
    • Track problem areas where compensation packages need to be addressed to be improve employee retention
compensation reporting feature on advancedhr

Length in service

Understand lengths in service across the whole business quickly and easily

  • Length in service
    • See average length of service across departments or teams
    • Automate reports so you can celebrate upcoming employee length in service milestones
    • Help to understand when teams might have upcoming flight risks in the team based on length in service trends
custom reports feature on advancedhr

Payroll & Payslips Integration

We know that the people data which resides in both HR systems and payroll software is critical for businesses to get right.

Advanced HR is integrated with Advanced Payroll to provide a simplified experience for HR and payroll teams. Take a closer look at the integrated payroll and payslips functionality available within Advanced HR.

Improved data accuracy

Integrating Advanced HR with Advanced Payroll means your data accuracy is improved.

  • Improved data accuracy
    • Safeguard sensitive data with an integration which removes the need to import and export data manually
    • Ensure there are no data breaches or risks around GDPR with compliant transfer of data
    • Get rid of spreadsheets storing important data and ensure data in both systems is accurate and up to date
improved data accuracy feature on advancedhr

Improved efficiencies between teams

Making sure data between HR management systems and payroll systems are synced improves efficiencies and speeds up processes.

  • Improved efficiencies between teams
    • One version of the truth between HR and Payroll
    • Changes to salary information are automatically passed through systems, meaning no manual input is required from either team
    • Automated processes save time and effort for HR and Payroll
improved efficiency between teams feature on advancedhr


In today’s world of hybrid and remote working, your systems need to be available wherever your people are.

Advanced HR is completely mobile optimised and designed to be used by all your employees anytime, anywhere.

Work anytime, anywhere

As long as you are connected to the internet you can access Advanced HR, making it easier to get the job done in multiple locations.

  • Work anytime, anywhere
    • Get the same information at home as you would in the office
    • View reports and drill into data
    • Approve requests, update documentation, change information
Work anytime, anywhere with Advanced HR mobile app

Fully mobile responsive

Whether you are using Advanced HR on a desktop, tablet or mobile device, you and your teams will still get the same great user experience.

  • Fully mobile responsive
    • Responsive software to suit use on any device
    • Flexible and ensures the same great user experience across multi device
    • Quickly action tasks on the go, speeding up processes
Responsive visual of advanced hr


Advanced HR customers benefit from our platform solution, MyWorkplace.

Using MyWorkplace HR and Payroll teams are able to quickly action tasks and view information across multiple applications within one simple home screen, making the product even more accessible and easy to use than any other software in the market.


Each applet represents a short activity (e.g. booking annual leave, leaving a colleague feedback)

  • Applets
    • Dive straight into a specific area of the product 
    • Action tasks quickly and efficiently in a minimal amount of clicks, without leaving your home screen
    • Get access to the specific applets which are important to you in your role 
MyWorkplace applets feature on advancedhr

Specific HR & Payroll Applets

Advanced HR functionality is surfaced directly in your own desk

  • Specific HR & Payroll Applets
    • Book absence, View your Team Calendar, countdown to your annual leave and more
    • View your payslip with just the click of a button
    • Extended applets across our HCM suite for customers of our performance management solution
Hr and Payroll applets feature on advancedhr

Personalised Desks

Personalise your digital desk with the applets which will help you daily.

  • Personalised Desks
    • Build your own desk with the applets you want and need to see to be productive
    • Mix applets from Advanced HR with applets for other Advanced people management solutions or standalone productivity applets
    • Get quick access to the important every day actions, links, approvals and requests you need to see
personalised desk feature on advancedhr

Accessibility focused

We’ve made sure the experience of using Advanced HR is an easy as possible

we’ve taken extra steps to ensure it is as accessible to as many users as possible.

Light Mode vs Dark Mode

Users will have the opportunity to toggle the solution between light mode and dark mode, meaning users can select the option which works best for them depending on their individual requirements or preferences.

  • Light Mode vs Dark Mode
    • Reduce eye strain by using dark mode
    • Gives your users the option to choose what works best for them
    • Evolving SaaS solution with more accessibility improvements on the way
Accessibility toggle for light mode or dark mode on AdvancedHR


Want to look at our software in more detail?

See how Advanced HR can solve your biggest HR management challenges in our   2-3 minute self-guided product tour.


Welcoming you to easy to use, beautiful HR software



Starting your journey

1 day


We get a better understanding of you and your business to drive your Onboarding experience towards success with our HR software

Understanding your challenges

1 week


We build a plan of action for your journey to Go-live with due dates and owners.

Planning your journey

2 months


We provide the action plan to get you ready to adopt Advanced HR, our cutting edge HR software.

On the road to go live


Congratulations, you’re live! This is where our Customer Success program really kicks in to provide you with more value and make sure you are maximising your chances of reaching your goals with your HR system.

Frequently asked questions

  • How will Advanced HR software benefit my business?

    Our HR software, Advanced HR, takes care of the entire employee lifecycle from recruitment to retirement. Through a combination of core HR functionality, instant online access and an all-inclusive reporting suite, Advanced HR delivers unrivalled maintenance of your organisation’s full employee lifecycle. Advanced HR is designed to be flexible to the needs of your people, empowering employees to self-serve and access the system anytime, anywhere. Advanced HR reduces the administrative burden on HR teams, so you can focus on investing valuable time into activity that is going to enhance the employee experience and increase retention.

  • Who will benefit most from HR software?

    Advanced HR software is beneficial to everyone in the business. It means HR teams can invest more time in activity which is going to improve employee satisfaction and make your business a better place to work. Employees will also benefit from being able to self-serve information, such as easily booking annual leave or looking up policies, allowing them to get on with their main activities. 

  • What key features should I look for in HR management software?

    Solid HR software must be able to look after the entire employee lifecycle. This includes features that support all elements of employee management such as absence management, appraisals, starters and leavers, self-service and workflow, salary and benefits. Ideally, HR software should also have integrated training management, applicant management, reporting and payroll to enable HR teams to have all elements of people management in one place.

  • How can I improve the productivity of my HR team?

    Managing sickness and absence, appraisals, training, recruitment and starters and leavers can become really complex when information is either paper-based, kept in spreadsheets or on disparate systems. Providing one central system for both HR teams and employees to record information is critical to removing admin headaches and increasing productivity. 

  • How do I calculate ROI from HR software?

    You can calculate your return on investment (ROI) in an HR system in many ways. The first is from the increased time savings and efficiencies in your HR team. How many minutes and hours are being saved by automating tasks and having less admin to do? Over time, this makes a huge difference to the capacity of an HR function. You can also measure ROI in employees retained as a result of having an HR team more focused on their people. The cost of recruitment and churn of employees is extremely high - being able to retain engaged employees is a huge cost saver for businesses.

  • How much does HR software cost?

    At Advanced, we work on a per employee per month (PEPM) Software as a Service (SaaS) price model. This makes the cost of Advanced HR easier to manage and means you can scale up as your business and workforce grows.

  • What is the advantage of using Cloud-based HR software?

    The events of the past few months have shown that Cloud-based software is now not a desire but an absolute ‘must have’ for HR teams. HR teams need to be able to report on employee trends and understand workforce data, and employees want to be able to self-serve with ease, wherever they may be. Using Cloud software simplifies processes and makes it quick and simple for all teams to access tools.

  • How secure is my data in Cloud-based HR software?

    Using Cloud-based software is actually much more secure than on premise solutions. Advanced HR is backed up in our Tier 3 data centres, meaning your data and system has one of the highest levels of security possible.

  • Can Advanced HR software be implemented remotely?

    Yes. The beauty of Advanced HR software being a Cloud solution means we can implement it for your whole business remotely without setting foot in your office, removing health and safety headaches and allowing you to get up and running as quickly as possible.

  • Does Advanced HR work on a tablet or mobile?

    Yes. Advanced HR is a true Cloud solution and is available anywhere, anytime on any device. All you need is a connection to the internet and a browser.

  • How does Advanced HR software optimise workflow processes?

    Advanced HR streamlines processes for HR teams, making it easier for them to report on employee information across the board. Having one solution covering the whole employee management landscape means that information is collected in one place in a standardised way, so your teams have a clear view of trends.

  • Does Advanced HR integrate with a payroll software?

    Advanced HR is integrated with Advanced Payroll to provide a simplified experience for HR and payroll teams. Integrating Advanced HR with Advanced Payroll means your data accuracy is improved and ensures data between HR management systems and payroll systems are synced to improve efficiencies and speed up processes.


  • Is Advanced HR software customisable?

    We understand that all organisations are different and structured in a variety of ways, so Advanced's HR software is flexible to your individual business needs. Unlike many other Cloud solutions, with Advanced HR you have the ability to customise the solution without any training, assistance or consultancy costs from Advanced. The system is easy to use and very flexible, and changes can be made by you quickly and easily.


Resources to help your HR team transform

Featured resources for you


Advanced HR Brochure

Discover how Advanced HR makes HR more human for your organisation.

circle-chevron-right-solid.svg Read Brochure


HR Software Buyers Guide

In this guide, we will be exploring some of the main benefits of Core HR systems and hit upon some of the key points you need to be aware of when searching for a new HR solution.

circle-chevron-right-solid.svg Read Guide


Do HR Differently

Our ebook offers a new perspective on daily people management processes that will transform your outlook on the people experience and the role it has to play in the transformation of your organisation.

circle-chevron-right-solid.svgRead eBook

Why core HR is so easy to get wrong.

It’s not overstating things to say that HR serves as the beating heart of most organisations. After all, when your employees are the lifeblood of your business, the frameworks and personnel designed to support and nurture them should come as a top priority.

Read blog angle-right-solid.svg

7 July 2023 by Nick Gallimore, MD of People Management


HR Software designed to simplify the complex

Find out how we help HR teams remove complexity and enable them to do their best work with simple to use HR software.

Call us at

0330 343 8000