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Performance Management Software

Clear Review is an award-winning performance management solution, which allows organisations of all types and sizes to realise the full potential of every member of staff. The platform allows for the setting and tracking of clear, short-term goals, encourages regular conversations between management and employees, and gives staff the opportunity to give and receive feedback from co-workers. By using a great continuous performance management solution, organisations can improve communication, engagement and well-being, resulting in a happier, more productive work force.


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OVER 181,000

MORE THAN 250,000

Understanding key issues


Low employee engagement

A lack of goal setting and infrequent conversations and feedback are likely to result in a lack of engagement. In fact, employees are 3.2 times less likely to be motivated. 

Ineffective annual appraisals

HR Directors, managers and employees are all fed up with annual appraisals and the lack of value they hold. Annual appraisals are time consuming and often suffer from recency bias, hence why 75% of employees feel it is an unfair view of performance. 

Meaningless feedback

A job well done often goes unpraised, but on the off-chance feedback is given, it’s often outdated and irrelevant. Without a system in place to record feedback, there's no visibility of the feedback that's been given. 

Lack of people insights

Tracking performance of employees is often complicated but extracting this data and gaining valuable reporting insights presents a challenge of its own, especially with many now working from home.

How Clear Review can help you


"We chose Clear Review for many rea­sons, pri­mar­i­ly its ease of use and the fact that it means per­for­mance man­age­ment becomes embed­ded into our work­ing lives rather than sim­ply being an annu­al appraisal"

Jude Holt, Senior HR Business Partner

"The feed­back func­tion­al­i­ty with­in Clear Review was ini­tial­ly the ele­ment I per­son­al­ly was most excit­ed about, giv­en the poten­tial impact on engage­ment that this kind of recog­ni­tion could bring. To have senior mem­bers of the Ted team be able to direct­ly recog­nise the invalu­able con­tri­bu­tion of our front line Sales team, speaks back to our com­pa­ny val­ues of Authen­tic­i­ty & Kind­ness in the most tan­gi­ble of ways."

Gary Beggs, Development Partner

"As we con­tem­plat­ed cloud-based solu­tions for per­for­mance man­age­ment, it became appar­ent that a con­tin­u­ous approach would be invalu­able. As we reviewed sev­er­al ven­dors, Clear Review quick­ly rose as the best solu­tion – fit­ting well with our cul­ture of check-ins, an empha­sis on core-val­ues and the need for vary­ing objec­tive cri­te­ria. It was eas­i­ly imple­ment­ed and has been a huge suc­cess for our organization!"

Larry Hillwig, Chief HR & Administrative Officer

  • A.G. Barr
  • Ted Baker
  • Southwest Autism

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