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Are you well equipped for remote working? What you need to consider

17/08/2020 minute read James Green

As efforts are made to navigate the through effects of COVID-19 to the next normal, organisations need to consider what changes they can make to ensure continuity for their bu­siness.

Recently, we surveyed over 1,000 professionals, with 47 per cent saying the most important attribute for a business leader in the digital era is the ability to react with pace and make bold decisions (Advanced Annual Trends Survey 2019/20). This was before the current situation developed. Now, the importance of responding quickly is even greater, as the majority of organisations ramp up strategies to ensure their workforce remain safe and productive.

An increasing number of employees are being asked to work remotely. As a result, businesses need to consider how to maintain secure communication and collaboration between employees, wherever they are.

Communication and collaboration

Investing in the right technology can help combat feelings of isolation that may have an impact on employee wellbeing. With the use of Cloud-based collaborative tools, such as Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams, organisations can address these issues.

With Microsoft 365, your workforce can use the Microsoft applications they are familiar with. A range of licences, available on a pay-as-you-use model, mean you can deploy these tools quickly, scale up and down in line with business requirements and make sure your organisation’s data and users remain secure when working from any location.

Virtualisation is also an important adoption for remote communication and collaboration. With technology from Citrix and Microsoft, it is possible to securely replicate the applications that your employees are used to, supporting productivity and teamwork. 

How can you ensure your employees are working securely?

Having a secure remote system access will enable employees to get documents safely and continue working remotely through a secure VPN. At Advanced, we work closely with Citrix to provide secure remote access. Also, using capability within Microsoft 365, such as Azure AD Conditional Access, means your employees can collaboratively work anytime, anywhere, in a secure Cloud environment.

Organisations may also see a rise in personal devices being used to access company data. Tools within Microsoft 365, such as Intune, can help secure corporate data accessed from personal devices, removing the need for organisations to purchase more devices. Businesses with Microsoft 365 can track their ‘Microsoft Secure Score’ to see how remote working affects their risk and compliance exposure.

With the rise in the number of people working from home, no doubt there will be an increase in phishing attacks (Source), which is one of the most common security breaches. At this time, employees should be mindful of clicking on emails from people they don’t know. Encourage staff to check the ‘from’ email address and look out for any spelling mistakes. They should watch out for urgent requests that are outside of normal company behaviours and policy.

It is also important that an emergency contact is shared with employees, so that if there are any problems, they have someone to talk to and resolve issues on their behalf.

Communication, collaboration and security – these three keys areas are central to organisations being able continue with business as usual.

Adopting new technology and transforming how you work can be daunting. Partnering with a Managed Service Provider can support your platform, drive consumption and provide you with best practice guidance.

If you’re looking for advice we’re here to help. With our Managed Digital Workplace Services, in partnership with Citrix, Cisco and Microsoft, we can provide advice on flexible working solutions, whatever stage you’re at.

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